"See you tomorrow, make sure she's there on time." He requests.

"I will, I promise." Jada answers.

Santiago leaves the house after checking on Diego to make sure that he is sleeping soundly in his bed. Sofia is curled underneath him and the fact that they are going strong a year later makes Santiago very happy. The first year of college is always the hardest for high shool sweethearts but they made it through. Their love will surely survive the test of time.

His new 2023 GMC Sierra 1500 Pro is parked out front next to the food truck since it can't fit in the garage. Santiago slides behind the wheel and tosses his bag in the passenger seat starting the car immediately. He lets it warm up for a minute before he drives off.

It doesn't take long to get to his destination since there's no traffic as it's the middle of the night.

"Thought you got cold feet." Tom teases as he opens the door of his house for him.

"Not a chance." Santiago replies kicking off his shoes at the door.

He's been to Tom and Jada's home before so he's already familiar with the place.

"The guest room is ready for you though I also have a couple of beers in the fridge if you're up for a couple of drinks with me." Tom asks Santiago.

"Yes please but only a couple, need to be sober for later." Santiago replies seeing as it's already past midnight.

"Of course, it's your big day. You nervous?" Tom asks.

Santiago shakes his head. "No, I think I'm more anxious. I can't wait for it to be dawn already." He answers visibly excited.

"I remember when I got married to Jada, I was so nervous but as soon as I saw her walking down the aisle I was a goner and I knew for a fact that she's the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with." Tom grins getting lost in thought for a moment as if reliving that memory.

"I already know. Hannah is my whole world and now I'm waiting to make it official." Santiago says with a smile.

"To your future then." Tom says handing him a beer.

Santiago twists off the cap, clinks it against Tom's and takes a long swig.

He can't believe that it's been a full year since he met Hannah and now in a few short hours he gets to marry her and officially make her his. He still remembers the day they talked about getting married as if it was yesterday.

"So I got your letter today. As always I loved it. You wanna get married at the courthouse huh?" I tease leaning against the wall of the call room.

"Yeah." Hannah replies and I can tell she is blushing.

I don't think she intended to reveal such a thing in her letter.

"Good because I hate tuxes. Will jeans and a nice button up do?" I ask.

"Are you asking me to marry you Delgado?" Hannah demands softly.

"What if I am?" I chide back.

It's a long shot and even though I haven't known Hannah long I know she is the one for me.

"Then I say let's pick a date." Hannah declares.

"A year from today." I decide.

"I'll see you at the courthouse." She replies making me smile.

"I can't wait." I affirms.

She has no idea how happy her agreeing to marry me is making me. I know it's a joke seeing as we both burst out laughing but it's the fact that she's playing along that does it for me.

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