I use my key, the one she gave me a few days after I was released to let us in since she doesn't have her keys.

"It feels like I haven't been here in weeks yet I was here yesterday." Hannah says as I lock the door behind us.

We ate at the hospital so we go directly to the bedroom.

"I'll go take a shower. Care to join me?" Hannah asks kicking off her shoes.

Jada brought us a change of clothes at the hospital after my brilliant idea to push us into the pool.

"I'd love to but I want to call Diego, I know he's worried sick." I reply.

I already texted him to tell him that we are safe but I know he's waiting for me to call.

"Okay, send him my love." Hannah replies.

"I will." I nod at her.

She kisses me gently and I savor her lips grateful that I am getting to do that after the nerve wracking twenty four hours we've had.

She walks into the bathroom while I take off my shoes and hoodie retrieving my phone from my pocket.

I take a seat at the edge of the bed and call Diego. He picks up immediately as if his phone was in his hand waiting for me to call.


"Santi! Are you okay? Is Hannah okay?" He rambles quickly.

It's clear from the tone in his voice that he was crying at some point.

"I'm okay baby brother don't worry and so is Hannah. We're back at her place." I answer.

He sighs in relief. "Thank God, I was really worried. The raid is all over the news but there's no mention of you or Hannah. They say Arturo is dead though. Is that true?"

"Yes, Tom killed him after he tried shooting Hannah but he missed and shot me instead." I reply.

"You said you were okay!" Diego asks beginning to panic all over again.

"I am, I was wearing Kevlar. I'll have chest pain for a while and I'm bruised but it didn't go through." I assure him.

"That was close."

"Yes it was but we're okay. Get some rest hermano, all of that is behind us. I'll call you tomorrow but now you sleep." I command him.

"Yes Santi. Te amo."

"Te amo hermano." I hang up and hold the phone close for a moment.

Today could have gone so wrong. Diego is already an orphan, if I'd died he would have been all alone in the world. That's why I am so glad that Arturo and La lobo is done. Diego has been worried about me for far too long.

I pull my bag closer to find a pair or sweatpants to change into. I would love to join Hannah in the shower but I am too tired. The ring box falls out and I open it to reveal the ring. I was going to propose to Hannah once I got back but she's already been through enough. I'll still propose but I want us to put her kidnapping behind us first.

I hear the water turn off so I put the ring back in the bag. I change out of my jeans into into a pair of sweatpants.

Hannah joins me back in the bedroom ten minutes later with dry hair, a clear face, wearing a fluffy bathrobe.

"You look warm." I comment.

"And you look sexy." She smiles sitting on my lap.

I hold her, my hands going to her ass and giving it a firm squeeze. Hannah smiles and loops her arms around my neck pulling me closer. She kisses me and I kiss her matching her tempo.

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