Only Human

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                                                                                                                                                                                 Chapter 1                                                                                                                               

It had been two months since Kasey had become acquainted with her Father and brothers and life at the Compound had finally returned to normal. Kasey seemed to take to her position as female Alpha like she was born to it. She was glad that she didn’t need to be too bossy or arrogant, because that just wasn’t her.

Nicolas had been watching over her in one way or another since he realised that she was indeed his brother’s mate, he just never let Kasey know. He’d kept himself busy these past weeks needing to keep feelings of loneliness at bay. Seeing his brother happily mated only emphasised how empty his life was.

He had long past given up on finding his own mate, telling himself it was not meant to be. Besides he was far too arrogant and stubborn not to mention too busy to have the patience needed to deal with a woman. He was best suited to dealing with the training and security of the Pack.

He was happy for his brother and found himself loving Kasey as much as everyone else did. But watching them together could at times bring forth the longing he hid deep within his heart. He did his job and did it well. As head Enforcer he was in charge not only of the Enforcers but also Pack security and at the moment he was not happy with what was about to happen.

Braedon had promised Kasey that she could return to Sydney to visit with her friends and those she considered family. He’d also promised her a church wedding so that the man she considered her surrogate father could in effect give her away.

Idiocy! He said to himself, what the hell Braedon was thinking to make promises like this. He shook his head and continued on to the training centre. He needed to work off some of the frustration this was causing him and training with his Enforcers would help.

He sighed. And if I keep telling myself this I just may one day believe it! He looked out over the Compound and saw some of the young men on their way to the training centre. This was his life; this is what he was mean to do.


Kasey wiggled on her mates’ lap, “I know he’s frustrated Brae but he has… umm I want him to come to Sydney. Besides Jake needs to stay here with Tally.” she gave him a quick kiss, jumped off his lap and headed for his office doorway, “I’ve almost finished packing; we’re still leaving first thing in the morning right?”

“Right!” he said and knew his little mate was up to something. He also knew better than to push for answers, something about ‘screwing with time’ and if people knew what was coming they could change how things were supposed to be.

He shook his head smiling to himself; he was blessed to have found his mate. He turned to the paperwork on his desk and sighed. At least I’ll escape all this paperwork for a few days! Then he grinned because he knew Jacob would be none too pleased at having to deal with it while he and Kasey were gone.

As Braedon came into the dining room that evening he spotted Kasey and Gilbert talking softly. He moved closer and realised they were talking about the types of teas Kasey might be able to get Gilbert while they were in Sydney. Gilbert had enjoyed the gift of a teas set and teas when Kasey had first come to the Compound and Braedon remembered her saying she would get more the next time they were there.

Only Human - Book 2 of Werewolves DownunderWhere stories live. Discover now