Chapter 7- The Truth

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It's my first time writing a story. If i made some mistakes, pls tell me and I'll correct it.


None's POV:

Kim was staring at the full moon in the night sky, while the tears in his eyes were still flowing nonstop. He never cried infront of anyone other than his Angel, but today, he couldn't hold his tears to flow. He had always been so strong, or we can say, he pretended to be.

He had lost his first love, his Angel, in past for some reason no one knows other than him. Everyone asked him how did that happened but he decided to keep that secret to himself. But today, when he met Porchay, he felt that his Angel is with him, on his side, keeping him safe from all the dangers of this world.

His eyes were same, like of his Angel, he felt that if he looked at them for too long, he would drown in them. Eyes, they were the first reason he fell in love in the first place, and they were the last thing he saw before his only half, his comfort, his love, his Angel, left him.

He felt so empty from those years, he usually stayed out of the house and came back so late, sometimes he didn't come back for several days. No one knows where he goes. Everything started worrying about him, because he was not the Kim they knew. They usually do their best to keep him busy with something so he won't think about the past, but as always they fail miserably.

He stopped talking to everyone from then on. He started fighting more, whenever he comes back home, he is usually covered in blood, his whole body covered in brushes and scratches. Vampires can heal easily, only if they want to. But Kim stopped healing himself. He wanted to feel the pain, and still, no one knew why.

After the death of their parents, Vegas got the weight of the whole family on his shoulders. He began checking in on his little brother on a daily basis. He was also worried about him, but he did not say anything. He knew the reason for his brother's silence, but he could do nothing but comfort him, which is still useless. That's why he didn't even try. They knew that Kim would regain his senses one day, but didn't know when. The only thing they did is waiting.

They were hoping that the wait will end soon, but it's just become longer and longer. Kim distanced himself from everyone, he would only talk to them when it's important or they have some work from him. Other times, he just stay on the rooftop the whole day and night and won't talk to anyone.

Seeing him behaving like this, Pol would always try to talk to him about what he was feeling, but Kim would always brush him off, saying that he was fine. Pol heard him crying several times during the night, but took no action because Vegas did not allow them to.

But today, they have not been able to see Kim cry and decide to approach him. They knew where he had gone.

Kim's POV:

I was sitting on my safe place and tears were flowing down from my eyes, I didn't want to cry but I couldn't stop them. I didn't mean to yell at Hia, I know he's been stressed lately. Him being rude is nothing new to me, but today, I was excited to tell him everything I felt today, the person I met, the good time I had, everything. But Hiya shouted at me saying, he doesn't care about me. That broke me so bad. I know I shouldn't feel bad when he yells at me because I don't care about him, but it did anyway.

I was lost in my thoughts when I felt someone behind me, by the smell I knew who it was. I still remain in that position, not caring about anything. I felt someone sitting beside me, it was Uncle Pol. He took a deep breath and looked in the direction I was looking, thinking of starting a conversation. I wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone but I couldn't resist Uncle Pol.

"What's on your mind, kid?"
"......" I remained silent.
"I guess you don't want to talk, that's okay. I'll just ask the question and you can nod or shake your head as yes or no, is that okay?"
I nodded.
"That's good. So, is it true what your said down there?"
I shook my head.
"I knew it. So why did you said that? Oh Sorry, i forgot i have to ask yes or no questions-
"I was not thinking of anything at that moment. I just wanted to end the conversation, so I just said, I know it would never be true." I finally decided to talk.
"Oh.. i see."

We were both silent for about a minute. i decided to break the silence.

"I'm Sorry..."
"About the mistake I made, I went there to find you and I forgot about you. It was not my intention to do so. I was looking for you when someone bumped into me. He was about to fall back, but I caught him before he could. While my hand was placed on his waist and I held him from behind. I saw that his body was very small, with milky skin, his smell... just like my Angel. My eyes went to his face. Not going to lie, but he was cute. In return for saving him, I asked him to walk with me for a while. He didn't agree with me, but I convinced him with my experience of emotional blackmailing. Thanks to my angel, afterall, i got it from him. I kept looking at his face until our eyes met. His black eyes also remind me of my angel. Everything about him was just like my angel. That's where i got the idea of ending the conversation and lied to hia, that I found my Angel."

Pol was patiently listening to everything Kim was telling him.

"So....that boy, What's his name?"
"Porchay, Porchay Kittisawasd."
"Kittisawasd? That surname is.."
" Angels." I completed Uncle Pol's sentence.
"yes..but that doesn't mean he's him. Many people can have the same surname."
I nodded my head, agreeing and disagreeing with him at the same time. Uncle Pol nodded back and sat with me while caressing my back.

Meanwhile Arm was standing on the stairs listening to their conversation while looking at the wholesome scene in front of him, and finally decided to go to Vegas to have a serious talk with him.

Arm's POV:

I was looking for Vegas everywhere, but he was nowhere to find. I wonder where did he went. Don't tell me he..

Words count: 1220

[AN: So here's a new update after almost two weeks, ig? I'm sorry for that, but you can read the conversation board to know what i was doing the whole time. BTW, what do you think where did Vegas went? Can you guys guess what's Kim's Angels name? You'll know in the next chapter but still try to guess...i would love to know. Thank you!]

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