An Unexpected Meeting

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The rain finally ceased its relentless downpour, and as the dark clouds dispersed, the sun emerged, casting its warm golden light across the sky once more. Its gentle rays filtered through the hospital room's window, creating dancing patterns on the walls.

Slowly, Watson blinked her eyes open, and with a small movement, her surroundings came into focus. The first thing that caught her attention was the sterile brightness of the fluorescent lights above her. They cast an artificial glow over the room, emphasizing its clinical atmosphere. She shifted slightly, feeling the coolness of the white sheets beneath her body.

"What happ-!" Watson grabbed her head in pain. Confusion and a throbbing ache assaulted her senses. As she attempted to gather her thoughts, memories from the previous night flooded back. Her breathing became erratic, matching the frenzied beeping of the heart monitor beside her.

The door suddenly creaked open, and a nurse hurried into the room. Sensing the urgency, she approached Watson with cautious steps, her face filled with concern. Her voice trembled ever so slightly as she spoke, "Are you alright?". The nurse comforted Watson as she caressed her back.

After a while, Watson's breathing started to steady. She let out a sigh of relief and flashed a smile,"I'm alright now, thank you." The nurse mirrored her smile, reciprocating the sense of relief and reassurance.

"Now hold on while I go get the doctor" The nurse said. But Watson stopped the Nurse from leaving

"Wait, before you go. How..did I end up here?" She asked in confusion. "An old man brought you here" she replied and went on her way.

Old man? Could it be?

The image of the old man who asked for her services flashed in her mind. A few moments later, a man with a white robe and glasses entered the door. Watson sat upright as he watched the man aproach her with a sense of unease.

The doctor grabbed a chart in front of Watson's bed. A moment of silenece filled the room before he spoke"Hello, my name is doctor Jacob Augustin. How are you feeling today?" His calm voice dispelled Watson's worries.

"I'm fine..for the most part" She replied while rembering what happened earlier.

"No other discomfort? Particularly your nose and ears?" Augustin inquired

"Ears?..!" Watson suddenly remembered the moment she passed out. She checked her nose and ears but no blood was coming out.

"It's...fine?" Watson uttered in confusion

Augustin took a glance at the monitor, reading her vitals, before continuing "Your readings seems normal as well".

Watson raised her hand feeling restless "Um, can I ask something?"

He smiled before replying "Go ahead"

Confused about the whole situation, the only thing she could ask was "What happened to me?"

Augustin frowned, he placed the chart on a nearby table, and fter pausing for a moment he began to speak.

"At around 5 am in the morning, an old man came into the hospital carrying you on his back. The old man said he found you inside your building passed out and bleeding from your nose and ears. We immediately began treament on you, but after we cleaned the blood from your face, we saw that there was no damage to either your nose and ears" Augustin's voice was filled with confusion and worry.

"As to how you were found in that state, that's what I'd like to know" He stared into Watson's eyes.

Feeling pressured she turned her gaze away. She pondered for a moment but soon came to the conclusion of telling the doctor everything that happened. Watson began to tell her story from when she first saw the black figure, up to the point where she passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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