Sam Gets on Nico's Bad Side

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"He broke him." MJ said nonchalantly. She was also working on a homework assignment. It looked to be a history assignment. I looked down at my psychology assignment and suddenly didn't feel like doing it anymore.

"Hey, MJ?" She looked up at me expectantly. "Do you want to switch? I've got psychology."

She shrugged. "Sure."

I was jolted out of a chat I was having with my father in meditation one morning by alarms blaring in the tower.

"Friday, what's going on?" I fell out of bed in my effort to get to the door quickly.

"There has been a disturbance in the city not far from here." She answered. "The team is gathering on the roof to transport there. If you will go to the elevator, I can take you there."

I shrugged, trying to ignore the fact that I had fallen out of bed. "Alright, I'll be there in a minute."

"Are you alright, sir? You took a pretty big fall just now."

I was just reaching the bedroom door, already forgetting the incident and Friday decided to speak up. I froze, and hefted a defeated sigh. "Did you tell Tony?"

"I did, sir."

"What did he say?"

"He wants to know if he should bring a walker to you, and if you need—"

"Nope, nope, I'm fine. Tell him I'm fine."

-            -            -

"Do we have any information on what the 'distubance' was?" I asked after I flashed to the roof. I was not going to feed Tony's fire by taking forever to get to the elevator.

The floor was opening up slowly and some robots were building Tony's suit around him. Everyone else was already suited up and Luke was hanging by the short glass barrier on the edge of the roof. I went to go stand by him while I waited for an answer to by question.

"No clue," Clint said. "There's just a bunch of people running away from something on 37th. The cameras have all been taken out by something."

(AN: I will put the disclaimer here that I have no idea how the streets in NY work, I'm just throwing a random number out)

"Do you have a way to get there from here?" Steve asked. "Or do you need to go with Nat and Clint?"

"Maybe we can get him a flying pillow so he doesn't hurt himself on the way down." Tony smirked.

I glanced over to where Steve had gestured to see a sleek looking air ship rising up from the hole in the roof.

"I'll be flying it so you won't have to worry about crazy air maneuvers." Natasha said, holding a tablet in her hand.

I smirked, allowing my wings to appear and stretched them out. It had been a while since I'd had an opportunity to use them. The expressions on the others were very rewarding and I wished I'd gotten a camera for the face Tony was giving me. Steve looked like he'd seen just about everything so someone with wings wasn't going to faze him; he just shook his head and walked onto the plane.

Clint looked like he had a million questions but Natasha had rolled her eyes and grabbed his arm. Pulling him onto the plane after Steve. Luke joined them, having a hard time holding onto his composure.

Bruce was hugging a mug of coffee with his hands.

"Aren't you coming?" I asked.

"Not a code green." He said, waving. He had to raise his voice so he could be heard over the engine of the plane.

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