❤️Glenn- The Run

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Y/n was the niece of daryl dixon, that's right, daughter of merle dixon. Thankfully, she wasn't raised as racist and sexist as her father because he wasn't around much. He loved her. And she loved him. But she lived with her mother most the time in a different state. She was visiting her uncle and father for a week when the virus broke out and they had to flee. Now, they were living in tents with a group of people who they met whilst stuck in traffic

"I'm actually about to shoot myself from boredom" y/n complains from her tent as Shane chuckles

"Just enjoy the view. Or go masturbate. Just something to stop your complaining"

"Fuck you shane" she grumbles

"Ye that'll work too" he says as she walks out the tent, giving him the finger

"Come on pretty boy, we're going on a run" she says, walking over to Glenn

"Seriously? I just came back from the city and now-"

"Not an errand run. An actual run. Exercise ya know" just those words caused Andrea to burst into fit's of laughter at the thought of Glenn willingly exercising

"Not a chance" he replied

"Oh come on. You're the only person in this camp who I know I won't stab from annoyance" y/n whines

"You could go alone" he shrugs

"You really wanna be the one to tell my daddy that his perfect little girl got eaten by a walker because she was all alone in the woods, even after begging for some support" she made a fair point. And soon enough, the pair of them were running through the woods. They ran for a short while before Glenn leant against a tree, panting after losing the ability to speak

"I'm impressed you lasted this long" she chuckled. Once Glenn caught his breath, they walked it off, back up to camp

"Thank you for coming with me" y/n thanks

"I'm actually glad I did it. Don't tell anyone I said this, but it was almost sort of fun" Glenn smiled as did y/n

"Look I wanna apologise for my daddy. He ain't got the best behaviour, and I hear some of the shit he says to you and t dog. If it makes you feel any better, he's racist to every race so I suppose you could say he treats us all equal" y/n jokes making Glenn laugh

"Oh ye. He's known for his lack of discrimination. If he's prejudice, he makes it fair" Glenn replies

"Exactly. I've heard him call someone a useless white colonising bastard. He's just a dick and I'm sorry to say but only way to deal with it is to get used to it" y/n shrugs

"That's alright. Think I expect it from your father at this point"

They continue walking back and when they get back to camp, merle was there with daryl

"Where have you been young lady? Dry humping the China man?" He yells

"I went for a run daddy. And he's korean" y/n says defending Glenn

"You been fucking my daughter?"

"No sir" Glenn replied with wide eyes, terrified

"Oh daddy so what if he was fucking me? I'm 21 for God's sake. Not much else to do round here in case you didn't notice. Come on Glenn. Let's go have sex" y/n grabbed Glenn's hand and pulled him into her tent, zipping it up to the sound of merle yelling as daryl tried to calm him down


"Sorry about that. He was just pissing me off is all. We don't gotta have sex or nothing. But could you stay in here for a little while. Just so he thinks we've had sex" y/n asks

"Do you want him to murder me?" Glenn asked shocked

"Oh don't be dramatic. If he even tries, I know how to turn on the water works. He ain't gonna do anything which will make me cry"

"Right. Well this is one way to rebel against your father I suppose. So, was I the first one you thought of?" Glenn winked jokingly

"My thought process went a little like this. Find someone age appropriate who is too scared to go against what I say" y/n laughed

"Well I am flattered" Glenn put his hand on his heart and blew her a kiss. They lay down in the tent just looking up at the ceiling

"What was it like having merle as a father? I mean, he doesn't get me as the good parent kind of guy but he protects you like his prized jewel" Glenn asked

"I lived with my mom most the time. Saw daddy once every 3 months for a week. It was great though. We ate ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I could go wherever I wanted, when I wanted. He was usually high or passed out so didn't notice me going to late parties. He taught me how to use a gun and a bow. Uncle daryl was a different story though. He was still irresponsible and to be fair, I wouldn't let my child around a father like them. But, uncle daryl always yelled at dad for doing drugs infront of me, not that I cared. He made sure I had a lift to and from places. He also made sure I kept up with my homework which at the time, I hated him for. But living with both of them great. I got away with murder" y/n explains

"They sound...nice"

"It's alright. I know they aren't the best parental figures. Heck, if I had a kid, I'd make my daddy get clean before he sees the bugger. But to me, as a kid who was equally as irresponsible, I loved it. My mom not so much" y/n said

"Well, she certainly did a good job raising you" Glenn says making her blush

"Aint you sweet. You know, we should probably get out of this tent before my daddy shoots it up. But, if at any time you struggle with lying about our little situation, you just come to me and we can make it more...truthful" y/n smirks

"Seriously?" Glenn asked shocked

"Ye why not. You're hot and I like you. Seems like a good enough reason to me" Glenn can't wipe the smile off his face as they exit the tent. That smile soon went though, after he saw the death glares merle was sending him

"You suicidal?" Daryl whispered to y/n and Glenn

"Something like that uncle daryl" y/n mumbles

"Ye well, tomorrow yall are doing a run to the city. Merle says he's going with ya. Aswell as Andrea, t dog, jacqui and morales. Good luck with that" daryl tells Glenn

"I'll go too" y/n volunteers

"Aint no way. You're going hunting with me tomorrow. I suggest yall make most of tonight. If merle has his way, you won't make it back tomorrow China man" daryl tells them, walking away

"Great. I'm a dead man. Hey, about your offer, how about tonight. Ya know, as a sort of, goodbye before I'm murdered by your father?"

"Sounds good to me" y/n smirks at his dramatic nature. Although by the look of merles face, no one could be too sure if Glenn would make it back

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