❤️Daryl- I Have To Finish

Start from the beginning

"No I'm not. I'm from London. My family had been invited to give a lecture at harvard University but we sort of got stuck in America"

"Harvard? Lecture? So you're smart then. No wonder yall survived so long" daryl says

"Think I'm smart, you should meet my sister. 9 years old and studies things I've never even heard of" just as y/n said.

They had been camping in the yard for a week now. None of them had ever met hattie. She didn't like new people, or old people, or people in general, so she stayed in her room. Her room was covered from wall to wall in chalk. A huge equation which she has been working out for weeks. She predicted that with 2 more days, she could complete it

It was night and y/n had been invited to eat round the campfire with the rest of the group. She usually cooked for them but they wanted to give her a night off to show their appreciation. Y/n had gotten very close with daryl. They went hunting together, he made fun of her accent, she mocked his, and he adored looking after Lip whenever she needed it.

"Hattie, you want your food now or shall I make it later?" Y/n asked

"Later please"

"OK honey. I'll eat mine and then do yours. But if you get hungry then you can come and tell me" she kissed her cheek and then picked up Lip and went to the campfire. There was a chair next to daryl for her. Once she sat down, Lip wriggled his way to daryl

"Do you want me to save some for Hattie?" Lori asked

"Yes please, if thats alright. I'll blend it up for her later" y/n rolled her eyes and grimaced at the thought. To her, it always looked disgusting but hattie ate it so she couldn't complain

"You play now" lip said to daryl

"Maybe tomorrow buddy. Can't play in the dark, it isn't safe"

"But he playing" lip whined

"Who's playing?" Y/n asked. Lip pointed behind them and they saw a walker walking towards them. Everyone shot up, a few swear words of shock escaping their lips. Daryl had lip in his arms as Shane hit the walker over the head. But, as he did that, more emerged from the distance. They were far away, but there was too many and they were walking towards the house

"Pack up" Rick yelled and everyone did so.

"I'll take Lip, you go get hattie. Daryl, cover for her" Carol said taking lip as they ushered the kids into the cars before taking the tents down. Y/n ran to hatties room where she was still doing her equations

"Hattie, we have to leave. Now. It isn't safe here anymore" y/n said quickly, grabbing her hand but hattie pulled away

"I haven't finished it yet" she pouts

"I know sweetie but your life is more important than some equations. Please, just take my hand because we need to leave" y/n begged. She could see a meltdown coming on and she really didn't think it was the right time

"No. No I'm not going" hattie yelled, trying to scribble more equations. Y/n tried to drag her away but she screamed and cried. Daryl, who was more stronger, lifted up hattie and ran to the truck with her in arm. She hit him to put her down but he wouldn't do it. The walkers were alot closer by the time they reached the vehicles

"You got lip?" Y/n yelled to Carol who nodded her head. Y/n got into daryls truck with hattie in the middle, sobbing and trying to get out. Y/n held her arms still as she cried

"No. Its not finished. I have to finish!" Daryl had no idea this would happen but y/n had predicted this outcome if they ever had to make a quick getaway. Eventually, she fell asleep

"Didn't realise she cared about sums that much" darly muttered

"She doesn't like it if something is left unfinished. I remember a few years ago, before all this, she stayed up for days completing a jigsaw puzzle because she couldn't sleep if it wasn't finished. Just one of her many...many quirks" y/n smiled sarcastically as daryl reached for her hand to comfort her. He knew it must be difficult for her

They drove around until morning when they found a field to camp in. Daryl lifted hattie out of the car as she was still sleeping. Y/n jumped out and ran to lip who'd just woke up. He was laughing happily

"Thank you. Thank you" she'd never hugged Carol so tight as that moment, kissing her cheek in gratitude. They put hattie in a tent and everyone started working with washing clothes and hunting. When hattie woke up, she walked out of the tent shyly, not knowing anyone around her. Y/n had gone hunting with daryl and lip was asleep in another tent

"Hi sweetheart. Im andrea. You must be hattie. Carl and Sophia are over there if you want to go and play" Andrea said but hattie just shook her head. She started looking around frantically for y/n but couldn't see her anywhere

"Not finished" she whispered panicking

"Sorry what was that?" Andrea asked not hearing her properly. She kept repeating the words, fidgeting and getting agitated. This went on for a few moments until she had tears pouring down her face as she pulled her own hair and bit down on her hand in anger. Y/n emerged with daryl from the woods, running over to her sister. Daryl ran with her. Y/n grabbed her hands away from her so she couldn't hurt herself and instead she punched y/n. Daryl, understanding hattie didn't mean to hurt her sister, wrapped his arms around her

"Hurt me. Don't hurt yourself, you hurt me. Go on girl. I don't mind. I can take it" he said as she punched and bit his arm. Y/n was speaking with her trying to calm her down as everyone else attempted to avert their gaze. All except for Shane who was too shocked

"It's ok sweetie. It's ok. It was 54.822 recurring. That's the answer. The equations finished. I worked it out last night. I promise you, thats the answer" she began to calm down until she was simply crying in daryls arms who lifted her up and rubbed her back

"Promise?" She asked

"I promise. Now, I know you're not a fan of strangers, but these strangers saved our life. So maybe you can go and help them wash the clothes or just go make friends with Carl and sophia"

"I don't like children. They play too much" she grunted

"You gonna help wash up then?"

"We have maids for a reason" she whines

"Hattie, look around, we HAD maids. You have to learn how to look after yourself. These women are not your maid. Now go and help them" y/n tells her. Hattie nods her head as goes over to Carol, Andrea and Lori who were washing clothes in buckets of water

"Thank you. You didn't have to take that beating you know" y/n says hugging daryl grateful

"I know. But I did. And I'd do it again"

"You're a good man daryl dixon" y/n smirks

"Tell me, you really know the answer to that equation?" He asked

"Of course not. But don't tell Hattie. Dread to think what she'd do to me. Anyway, we've got this food, now what?"

"You could always kiss me" daryl shrugs

"Wow. Feeling confident?" Y/n raises an eyebrow

"Maybe a little" he grins. Y/n goes on her tip toes and puts a hand on his cheek softly, kissing him with a short but sweet peck

"Yay" they break apart to see a now awake Lip standing there smiling, jumping up and down happy. Daryl crouches to his height and picks him up onto his hip

"You really are the happiest boy I've ever met" daryl smiles, making lip smile aswell, giving off an adorable belly laugh

"I gonna protect ya. All three of ya" daryl promises, looking into y/ns eyes

"Believe me, you'll be the one running from hattie when she finds out we didn't bring the blender with us"

"God help us all" he says as they both look over at hattie who was grimacing at the dirty water, then sending y/n a death glare for making her socialise. Y/n just smiled and waved sarcastically, causing hattie to stick her middle finger up

"Charming ain't she" daryl smirks

"Oh ye. Sweet as suga" y/n mocks his accent

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