Chapter 15 : Snowing day

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Christmas was approaching, the castle was heavily decorated by trees and garlands. The Hufflepuff common room was cozy during Christmas; a light cinnamon smell was in the air, and bells were floating and clicketing. Some mistletoe appeared out of nowhere when two students were too close to each other.

MC was sitting comfortably in a big orange armchair, drinking hot chocolate. She was looking at the book resting on her lap that got her detention tonight after dinner.

She remembered today's potion class and the enivrant scent and how she tried to stay composed. She was finally released to be alone so no one would see her giant blush that crept exponentially.

She observed the book with curiousity replaying her Slytherin friend's words.
"Ancient magic is the most powerful magic ever known." MC wanted to know more about her capacity, to learn how to use it perfectly to help the one she loved.

At the end of her first school year at Hogwarts, she knew her power was exceptional. But since Professor Fig passed on, she was alone.

The thought made her heart clench.

She was alone.

Deep inside her, since that day, she has been scared. Scared of the harm she could cause, scared of those who conveit her power, and mostly scared of the death caused by her capacity. Since that day she hasn't used her power.

She kept those fears to herself, she knew she was a new hope for Sebastian. She doesn't want to make him lose hope. Tears began to form in her eyes, and she washed them quickly.

She opened the book. At first sight, like Sebastian previously said, it was normal. But since this part of the restricted session has appeared since she entered Hogwarts, it must have contained something.

There was a runic inscription she couldn't read. She took a second look and realized the runes were different from the ones she was used to see. She knew ancient runes were thaught at Hogwarts, in the middle age many were the Wizards and Witches who used Runes to write old English. Those symbols seemed different, she thought it was an even older versions of Ancient runes.

She passed pages after pages, she was wondering how she could translate all of it... Sebastian was only 3 months into this class subject. She thought about the teacher for a second but remembered where the book was from.

She sight

MC grabbed her hot chocolate on the table next to her as she was absently turning the pages. She didn't pay attention when she put the cup back on the table, it was so close to the border that the rest of the liquid spread over her skirt and the book. She stood up quickly, trying to weep the hot liquid out of her clothes with her sleeves. She took her wand out of her hair and whispered a spell. The stains came out in a second. She squatted down to get the book that had fallen on her lap.

The chocolate also stained the pages and the inscriptions began to fade.

Fuck fuck fuck she sweared under her breath. She pointed her wand on the book and the liquid came off. She sat back down letting her head rest on her hand.

She opened her eyes and noticed a blank page on her feet. She grabbed it and flipped it. She discovered a drawing. She analyzed the page carefully, it was in a different tone than the one in the book. She first thought it was because of her hot chocolate, but soon realised it was how the paper was. She looked at the book, the page didn't seem to be teared off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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