Chapter 1 : Platform 9¾

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The King's Cross Station clock tower showed half past ten. The surrounding crowd was suffocating. She was scared to be late.

It's September first, a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach, after all the events that occurred during her 5th years in Hogwarts, she was stressed about what might happen in her 6th years.

MC was relieved when the holidays started. She needed time for herself, to breath and relax. Poppy and her did spend a few weeks together. Their days consisting at looking after fantastic creatures and doing picnic near a river. They went to Diagon Alley on a Friday and she even decided to have a new partner.

A gray cat named Orion.

Poppy and her became very close friends, so naturally she was looking for Poppy when entering the station. But she was nowhere to be seen.

Ominis and MC keep in touch too. He spent the summer, to his great regret, in his family home, he said in a letter. He escaped them by practicing full turns on a broom and reading books about History of Magic and Famous Wizard and Witches. He said History was fascinating unless it's Professor Bins teaching it.

MC and Ominis were wondering what class they would attend this year. She hopped Potion and Herbology first and the blond-haired boy Transfiguration and Arithmentia. MC hopped Garreth would be here too, potion class with him was never boring !

It's a quarter to eleven. MC was still looking for Poppy who said in a letter to wait for her at the station so they could sit together in the train. But... she didn't precise where.

Of course it must be the Platform 9¾, MC thought. She grabbed the gold ticket in her dress pockets.

Where is Platform 9¾ ?!

Last year she arrived in a very particularly way to Hogwarts but this year she had to take a normal and conventional and not dangerous way.

So, how can I find that Platform ? She whispered to herself.

She was pushing her trolley cart with all her luggages, trying to not seem uncanny around the muggles. Orion was silent but he was looking everywhere carefully.

Then MC saw a familiar silhouette. A tall blonde, his back facing her a few feet apart. He was standing right in front of a barrier dividing platforms nine and ten. She pushed her trolley to join him.

"Ominis !!" She exclaimed. The boy turned to the voice.

"You know I could hear you a mile away with your heavy footsteps" he said with a light chuckle. He was a bit taller and his cheekbones were more sculptured. Ominis was wearing an elegant maroon costume that suits him perfectly.

"I missed you Ominis" she smiled.

"Me too MC" he replayed "Merlin's beard where have you been ? I was looking for you, it's almost 11 o'clock"

"I got lost" She answered awkwardly,

How could I have defeat so many enemies and still couldn't find a damn platform.

"Here, let me take your trolley and follow me" he said.

"Thank you"

"It's alright, hurry up we're going to be late"


The Hogwarts Express's whistle announced the train's departure, while all the students tried to find a place to sit. Ominis was right behind MC in the corridor, his wand in his hand with a slightly red light at the top.

"Have you seen Poppy ? I was looking for her earlier" She asked turning her head to her friend.

"No I haven't, is that why you got lost ?"

"Part of"

Luckily they found an empty compartment quite easily. Ominis helped putting her luggage on the overhead racks and delivering Orion from his box.

"New Companion ?" He asked.

"The best one, isn't it Orion ?" She answered, while scratching Orion'sears.

They sat next to each other as the alarm of the train rang. It was a rainy day, the little drops of water hit gently the window as London was fading behind them.

Was Poppy on the train with us ? She wondered.

Ominis and her began to talk about details of their summer. The relationship between the two of them was different. But they remain friends after all. They needed to be there for each other, to overcome the events together.

Orion was now sitting on Ominis's lap purring as the boy was caressing his head.

"We... didn't talk" She said after a long silence.

He turned his head towards her, concerned.

"You and-"



The end of my first chapter It's short but it's to build suspense !! I know there must be a lot of grammar mistakes, but please be kind with me :) I'm always opened for some help !

It's always been you | Sebastian Sallow Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora