Chapter 5 : Herbology and Potion

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The Greenhouse's tree was captivating. All the students liked this enchanting place. As they were walking to their class, Poppy couldn't stop herself making flirtatious remarks about Sebastian and MC who tried to shut it down, but her friend kept looking at her with a smirk.

As they entered the classroom, MC saw Ominis in the back alone, she asked Poppy if she minded to paired up with Adelaide. MC wanted to spend time with her blond haired friend, but it wasn't without interest. She wanted to know how he was

"With a condition..." Poppy answered smiling, "Only if you tell me what's up with Sebastian" she whispered with a blink.

"Fine" MC grumbled.

She made her way towards Ominis and greeted him, so he knows it was her. In front of them, a beautiful plant with white and pink petals. A Ravenclaw student in the front of the class reached out his hand to touch the flower.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you" said Professor Garlick with bags of dragon dung in her arms. The Ravenclaw put their hand in their pockets.

"I hope you had all a good holiday" She smiled "In N.E.W.T.s level classes we are going to study more dangerously plants and fungi... some of them are poisonous" She added while looking at the Ravenclaw who's cheeks became red.

"Today's class is about Angel's Trumpet"

Angel's Trumpet as Proffesor Garlick said, were fatal if ingested and every part of the plant were poisonous. Students began to extract the leaves as she recommended. MC turned to Ominis whispering

"I didn't know you would take Herbology"

"My family thinks it's a soft option... but I find Herbology relaxing" Ominis said "Have you seen my dragon gloves ? I won't touch anything with my naked hands"

"Here you are" She said while grabbing his gloves and handed it to him.

He thanked her and they began to cut the leaves. After a moment, MC broke the silence.

"Did you talk with Sebastian ?" I asked

"MC... he is in the same house as me and we've been friends for six years. Of course I did" He answered.

"Yeah it was a stupid question..." She stated.

"You were wondering why isn't he in Herbology or why he didn't talk to you ?"


"Sebastian isn't in this class because he failed"

He wasn't very interested in Herbology she thought to herself.

"And what's happening between the two of you doesn't concern me." He said, "I know we all add a hard time last year..."

His tone softened

"... and Sebastian a harder... He lost himself in the darkness, and we must stay by his side... I know he regrets everything... you should talk to him"

"I don't know what to say"

"You'll figure out"


They had a free period after Herbology and took the opportunity to walk around the Black Lake. Small sunbeams broke through the clouds, warming their face. Poppy, Ominis and MC found a place near a Willow to sit and relax until lunchtime.

She was laying on the grass eyes closed. She was wondering what could she say to Sebastian after all this time. They had Potion together this afternoon informed Ominis. Maybe she'll be able to ask him a question about some ingredients and it will start a conversation.


The Potion classroom was in one of the castle largest dungeons. The hallway leading to it was dark as always, only fixed candles on the walls illuminated the path. She walked slowly along the corridor, her hands were occupied by her cauldron, that the students had to bring every lesson. Her bag was full of parchments, new textbooks and ingredients.

The corridor was silent... too much silent.

There were no students and any noise of conversation far away. She was alone, Poppy didn't pass the option and Ominis didn't want to attend to "be yelled at again because I set my cloak on fire twice a week"

Suddenly she tripped on the rug and fell face down, bumping her forehead. Her cauldron was rolling out and all her school cases fell from the bag.

MC hear a laugh. A laugh she well recognised.

She stood up. Her head was hurting, she had a red spot forming on her forehead and a light bleed escaping her nostril.

She tried to look after the laughing voice. And then appeared a short man with outlandish clothes and a bell-covered hat.

Peeves she grumbled under her breath.

He flew towards her and took her wand in his hand dancing and singing out loud. MC ran after him. Peeves grab the cauldron and hit the walls making a huge racket.

"Stop it !!" MC shouted at him as he continued.

"You !" Said a voice behind her. MC turned and saw Sebastian his wand pointed at Peeves. The Poltergeist threw her wand at Sebastian as he flew grabbing her ink bottle. Sebastian caught the wand and run towards me. The noise of footstep came closer. They both looked where it came from as Peeves emptied the bottle on the carpet.

"What's all this mess" Asked Professor Sharp who appeared to be the person from the footsteps noise.

Sebastian and MC looked at each other.

"It's Peeves" they protested at the same time.

"It's always Peeves !" He said sarcastically. They looked around us... of course Peeves disappeared... "Because it's the first day I won't retire your points but you both got detention"

"But..." MC began.

"There's nothing to say" The Professor cut. "Go find Professor Weasley, in Potion class we don't need dirty troublemakers" He added looking at the stained carpet.

MC collected her things and put them in her bag in silence. Sebastian took her cauldron and they headed to Professor Weasley office without saying a word.


They got Detention together... ;)

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