Chapter 3 : Chocolate Frog

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She was standing at the door frame. At the first glimpse Sebastian thought at how much she had changed in two months. MC's hair was longer and her waist slimmer, she seemed more womanly. She wasn't in her uniform and it felt different to see her in a dress.

She was pretty in those. Sebastian thought

"Hi !" Sebastian said smiling, unsure of how to greet her.


She moved out of the door frame closing it and made her way next to Ominis. The gray cat who had been on his lap the all time made his way to hers. His paws werr on her thigh with his head resting on them.

The tension in the air was suffocating, she was looking everywhere but Sebastian. No one was speaking or moving. Only silence.

Sebastian couldn't blame her...


During the warmest day of summer, Sebastian was laying in bed with only his trousers on. He could hear the hoot of an owl from afar, but the sound of flapping wings came closer. He turned his head toward the window. A familiar owl was standing in the frame with a parchment tied with a red ribbon to his paw.

At first he hoped it was a letter from Anne, she left Feldcroft after the events, Sebastian did know she was at a family member, but didn't know the location. He was worried about her safety and health, he missed her.

He headed for the bird, but soon realized to whom it belonged. He gave the owl a gentle stroke and took the paper. He returned to his bed, glancing at the wall filled with letters next to it.


Dear Sebastian,

I don't know if you've received my previous letters. I hope you're alright I'm really worried, it's been so long since I got news from you. I'm eager to tell you about my summer. Maybe we could meet at Diagon Alley on Friday ?

I miss you Sebatian



MC I want to talk to you, I sincerely want to...

But I can't.

Sebastian couldn't talk to her after all they had been through. Every night when he closed his eyes he had nightmares,

The pain in his friend's eyes every night, how much he hurt her.

He couldn't stop thinking of what he had done. Between his sister and his friends he was lost, completely blinded by wanting to help Anne.

How could MC and Ominis still want to talk to me, he wondered. I didn't want it to end like this. I don't deserve you.

I'm so sorry MC.


The silence was broken by the noise if the doors.

"Anything off the trolley, dears?" Asked the Honeydukes Express lady with a smile, she was quite young-looking though she was in her 60s.

"Yes, please." MC said standing up, her cat jumping away from her making his way next to Sebastian to the couch.

"May we have three chocolate frogs ?"

"Sure, anything else ? " The Lady asked while searching for the sweets.

"No thanks that's all"

"It is 4 sickles and 21 knuts"

"Here you are" MC took the money out of her dress and handed it to her.

"Thank you, have a nice day children" The Lady waved goodbye.

MC sat back at her place on the couch, giving the boys the chocolate frogs. They thanked her in a murmur, she smiled back. Sebastian didn't know how to act around her, it wasn't the best time to tell her what he was feeling.

Their compartment was silent again, only the sound of the packaging could be heard.

"Merlin's beard !" exclaimed Ominis all of a sudden, his hand on the chocolate card to read.

MC and Sebastian looked at him.

"I've got Ptolemy !" He continued in shock "It's one of the rarest"

"Oh Ominis I didn't know you were such a greedy boy" Sebastian laughed.

His remark made MC smirk, she looked at him, they were gazing into each other's eyes. Sebastian's heart sank as he looked at her, he didn't want to lose her.

"Here you are !"

Poppy entered their compartment, forcing them to break eye contact.

They spent the rest of the travel listening to Poppy fabulous discoveries creatures and persuaded Garreth, who did join them at some point, not to show us his new potion invention. MC and Sebastian didn't exchange any words, but from time to time they made eye contact.

As the sun set, they changed themselves into their uniform just before arriving at Hogsmeade Station. The first year made their way to the boats, as traditionally it will transport them across the Black Lake, the rest of the students however, need to use the horseless carriages.

As they were walking to the vehicles as fast as they could because of the rain, Sebastian noticed tall and dark creatures in front of each vehicle. They were skeletal horses. It sent shivers down his spine. MC walked past next to him and looked at him whispering.


Sebastian knew what they were and what they represent. Both of them remembered what occured last year... He just wished he never saw them, he wished he still have a family, his sister.

He looked at MC, she had a sad look, staring blankly at him.

It hurts.


I loved writing this part ! It was important to know what Sebatian was feeling.

I hope they'll get along soon... I mean I'm the writer so I know the answer...

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