Chapter 9 : Trip to Hogsmead

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Monday morning, Poppy and MC sneak their way to the Slytherin table as usual. The daily owls were flying around dropping the letters on student's head. Poppy received a small box of chocolate from her grandmother. Imelda, who was sitting next to Poppy, received the Daily Prophet on her soup, splashing everyone around her.

As Poppy growled weeping the dirt on her sleeves, MC read the title of the journal.

5 Muggle Born Witches found dead

MC was intrigued by the news for a minute before her attention were drawn to something else.

Sebastian, a book in his hand, was cursing under his breath. He was so absorbed by his reading, a potion medicine book for Anne, she assumed, that he didn't notice the pages were soaking in his porridge. Ominis, who was next to Sebastian, appeared to have a 6th sense and advise him to fix it before Agnes Scribner, the head librarian, found his mistake.

Sometimes, she wondered how could he be so aware of everything. Sebastian was his long time friend, they even spent summer together.

Apart, the last one.


The afternoon, Sebastian and MC went to potion class, making sure Peeves wasn't there to get them in detention again.

Ominis was in transfiguration class and Poppy in Care of Magical Creatures. They all agreed to meet in the clock tower courtyard after their respective classes.

The door of the classroom was open, few students from different houses already settled their cauldron and potion book in front of them.

Sebastian stood aside and let MC entered first.

What a gentleman, She thought.

The atmosphere was quite creepy as always, glass jars with floating animals and herbs hanging everywhere around the walls. 

Professor Sharp was writing slowly the instruction of today's lesson on a blackboard. MC took a quick glance around the room to find empty sits. She walked into the class, Sebastian behind her, when she recognised a familiar red head.

She made her way towards him.

"Hi Garreth !" She greeted, "Are this chairs empty ?" She questioned

"Hi MC ! Yes they are, waiting for you" He answered with a large grin.

"Thanks mate" Said Sebastian. Garreth, who didn't notice him until now, made a disappointing look. The boy with the freckles took the chair right next to Garreth and sat.

MC sat next to Sebastian and removed her own copy of Advanced Potion-Making, from my bag.

Today's class was about Golpalott's Third Law. After spending several minutes trying to understand what was it about, Professor Sharp asked us to brew an antidote under this principle.

Garreth was focused on his cauldron trying to follow the instructions, though a strange smell of bad eggs emanate from his brew. Sebastian and MC were helping each other out from time to time, this potion class appeared to be a complex endeavour, they used too many phials and at some point and too many ingredients. A Gryffindor student even melted their cauldron.

"MC ?" Asked Garreth, as he stood from his chair

"Yes ?"

"Can you help me with this ? I know you're doing well in potion" He complimented as he began to walk toward her

Professor Sharp, who heard everything, approach Garreth from behind.

"Mr Weasley, it is not the time to chat up with your classmate. Return to your sit and read the instructions again if you haven't understood"

Sebastian gasps, small laughs could be heard from the students. Garreth's ears became red as he sat back down, reading his book silently.

"Too bad for you Weasley, do better next time" whispered Sebastian to him.

"Oh shut up Sallow"


When the class was over, they headed for the courtyard. Neither Sebastian nor MC finished the antidote, and Garreth just ended up with a weird greeny looking texture, smelling even worse.

Ominis was sitting in the middle of the yard near a gargoyle. They joined him and chat for a moment before Poppy arrived.

It was the afternoon, autumn atmosphere was in the air. The leaves were floating around them and their hair were tousled by the wind. They agreed to spend the rest of the day at the village before dinner.

Hogsmeade was a peaceful place no matter the time of the day. They went to Honeydukes first, seeking for the most succulent sweets. The shelves and the wall were bright green, everywhere you'll look there were sweets. Only few people were there since the sixth and seventh year's student were the ones who could go anytime they wanted to the village. Garreth and Ominis headed to the Chocolate Frogs shelves, speaking of their card's collection. Poppy was focussing on the barrel of Fizzing Whizbees in the corner of the shop.

Sebastian and MC however, were arguing on how many Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans they could eat in a row.

"Just hear me out" He said moving his arm "You never got to experiment this beans last year, but I tell you they're the worst you won't last 2 beans"

"It can't be that bad ! You know I'm maybe stronger than you... don't project your own fears on me"

He made a fake shocked look, they looked at each other's and burst out laughing. His laugh were so rare, seeing him smile made her heart skip a beat.
They looked at each other for a moment, just smiling, but they were interrupted by Poppy.

"Oh what's a good idea !" Exclaimed Poppy, their attention drawn to her, "We could eat those tomorrow after diner in my common room"

"Why would we want to do that in your common room ?" Ominis joined the conversation, "We got sorted to our houses for a reason"

"Merlin's beard Ominis" Sebastian said, "I'm sure we've done much worse things"

"What things ?" Asked Garreth.

"Nothing" Ominis, Sebastian and MC replied at the same time.


They looked at each other, dead in the eyes.

"Have you chosen something" The tradeswoman said. The golden trio thanked her in their mind. They bought the sweets and left the shops.

After a quick butterbeer at the three broomstick, they made their way to the castle before arriving late for the dinner.

As they were passing to the last house, they heard loud voices. It seems to be arguing people. As they moved closer, the quarrel became more audible and they could have distinct the words.

"YOU STUPID BASTARD !" shouted a deep voice

"This is all your fault you dumb fuck !" said another voice much lower


At the last word, they froze. None of them wanted to take a step further. Sebastian and MC glimpse at each other, and Poppy grabbed her Hufflepuff friend's sleeves. They wanted to hear more.

"Where's the ring ?"

"WHAT ?"

"WHERE IS THE FUCKING RING ?" The owner of the apparently calm voice screamed

"In my pocket" answered the deep voice, "you fucking know that they are going to search for him... and for the ring !"

Sebastian couldn't wait another moment and run towards the voices. As he turned to the left, he saw two tall wizard dress up in black. The second they notice him, they left apparating. 

"Who were they" asked Poppy running after Sebastian

"Dark Wizards I assume" Sebastian said.

The students looked blankly at the place where the two wizards were, wondering what just happened.


I know I can't finish this chapter with that but you know what I dc it's my fic

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