Chapter 12 : Expecto Patronum

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"AND GRYFFINDOR WIN" Everett screamed.

His words made MC and Sebastian broke the eye contact. She felt weird about this and tried to stay composed.

They looked around them to understand what happened. The Slytherin seeker had caught the golden snitch but the Gryffindor team was leading by too many points to catch up. Lucan and Natty were joyfully celebrating the victory. Poppy looked towards Ominis. The small lions on her head were running around.

"Omi ?"

Ominis had an indescribable face looking right in front of him like he saw the players.

"Well done Garreth" We whispered with a soft smile.


All the students were waiting the arrival of their team to cheer up with them. The Slytherin students however prefer to be discreet.

"We will wait for Imelda in our common room" said Sebastian to the girls.

"Say to Garreth congratulations" Ominis added as he left with the brunette.

Poppy and MC chatted for a bit with Lucan, who was bouncing on his feet waiting for his Quidditch team. MC, who still wore Sebastian's scarf, looked impatiently at the door, waiting for her red-head friend to appear.

After a while, the girls heard the door and the following exclamations and claps of students. They notice tangerine hair in the middle of the crowd of cheering students. Garreth had a beaming smile on his face, he was joyfully talking to his teammates remembering the match. He looked around and saw his two Hufflepuff friends and came towards them. He was still sweaty and some of his hair was sticking to his forehead.

"Congratulations !!" They both exclaimed, squeezing him tightly into their arms.


Few days went by and the two Slytherin boys were still bitter about the match.

"How's Imelda" Asked MC Wednesday morning heading to class.

"She was indeed angry at herself, she's the seeker, but now she spends all her free time training with her teammates" answered Ominis while entering the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. Sebastian was already there, sat in a bench, his nose in a book. Imelda was next to him, she looked exhausted.

Surely from those practices, MC thought.

MC and Ominis sat behind her, waiting for Professor Hecat while gossiping. At first sight, Ominis didn't appear to be into those kinds of things, but once you know him, he just loves it.

Professor Hecat entered the classroom, she was levitating a storage chest with her wand. She draws the attention of her students, even Sebastian looked away from his book, instantly curious. The Professor drop the boot in the front of the students and cleared a throat.

"Good Morning everyone, today we will learn one of the most famous protection spell. However, it's an immensely complicated spell, many are the Wizards and Witches who are unable to achieve it completely"

The last words drew Sebastian's and MC's attention more than before, he quickly turned his head to meet MC's smile. Silently, the two greatest duellist make the deal to be the first to achieve this defensive charms.

"During my career many times this spell saved my life, The Patronus Charm" Professor Hecat finished.

For half an hour, students learned the origin of the spell and how to properly use it. The second half, it was practice, Sebastian and MC were delighted to work together.

"You know I'll succeed the spell before you do" whispered MC while standing from her desk.

"You wish" Sebastian challenged.

The students gathered behind their teacher. She was standing in front of the boot she had brought back earlier. Sebastian and MC were next to each other, observing the wand movement of the Professor to unlock it.

Suddenly a tall dark figure rose from the box. All the students gasp at the sight, MC's hand fly to Sebastian's, squeezing it, her heart skipping a beat. She stared at the creature, though its appearance wasn't new for her, she was still terrified.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM !" Shouted Professor Hecat. At the end of her wand burst a mesmerising silver animal. An ermine run to the dementor making it return into the chest. The room was silent, MC glimpsed at Sebastian, who's cheeks were bright red. She quickly remembered her hand and removed it. The Professor turned and look at her students.

"This is a Bogart, as you are familiar with"

"Professor ?" Imelda asked, "How are we going to practice ? We don't have the same fears"

"You're right" She answered, "that's the reason why you'll have to be extremely concentrated in order to, at least, make something appear out of your wands".

Students dispersed themselves in the classroom.

"Remember, the guardian is the projection of your most positive feelings"

MC closed her eyes and tried to remember happy memories. It was a difficult task after what occurred last year, but there was one thing she remembered, when Sebastian stood up for her at the library, or when he told her his feelings during detention in September. After all... he made her happy.

Sebastian, on the other hand, was irritated, as much as he wanted to, every time he tried to remember a good thing something worse came to his mind. His sister, what he did to his uncle, his best friend he disappointed, MC.... he opened his eyes and sat on a corner looking at the students. Garreth was frowning heavily his eyebrows, making weird faces when he tried to concentrate,

Look like he's pooping again Sebastian thought.

Ominis already had a small silver cloud escaping from his wand. Sebastian then observed MC, she always had been there for him, this thought comforted him for a bit, enough to try again the spell.

At the end of the course, none of the students manage the spell. Their Professor recall them about the difficulty of the spell.

"Don't be too harsh at yourself if you don't make it" were her last words.


"It's harder than it seems" MC said to the boys.

"I almost could feel my brain fume" The brown haired boy chuckled

"By the end of the class, I made appeared a form, it was abstract though.... I wonder what guardian I will have" Ominis said.

"A snake !" Both of his friends responded in the same voice, making them laugh.

When they arrived at the great hall, an advertisement paper was pin against the wall. It was about the Christmas Holidays. MC glanced at Ominis and read the sign for him, "Please sign up if you plan to stay during the holidays"

Ominis frown his eyebrows for a second. The entered the Great Hall ignoring the sign. Sebastian followed them deep in his thought...

"I think I will spend the holidays here" He mumbled to his friends but deeply more for himself.


I'm so tired but I absolutely wanted to publish this today ! Tomorrow I'll go to Lucern, Good night :)

PS: sory for my grammar mistakes :/ I hope it's not horrible to read

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