Chapter 2 : Hogwarts Express

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It was true.

They didn't talk all summer.


The last time she saw him was in this same train, in June. She waved goodbye and he did the same. Sebastian and MC were friends. They've been through a lot and she wanted to be with him, to help him. Sometimes she wondered if all of this was real.

He wanted to help Anne and he managed to do everything he could... maybe it wasn't the best way to help her.

MC didn't regret taking the crucio curse but he never asked her if she was alright. But she remembered his eyes, his deep brown eyes looking at her.

Is he thinking about me, she wondered all summer.

She wanted to know how he was, what he did, she craved for news of him, talking like they used to

Maybe I was just a simple pawn for him. Using me for his ending, she brooded

MC did send him owls and owls, telling him about her summer with Poppy, how she was eager to see him. But he never responded. Sebastian did not send her letters.

She have been torturing her mind all summer. Maybe he didn't want her to be his friend.

Ominis was right after all

The friendship between them will change of course but they're still here for each other.

I'm still here for Sebastian.
But is he still here for me ?



"Mmh" MC muffled, lost in her own thoughts.

"Why didn't you two talk ?"

"He... he didn't respond to my letters" She said after a moment.

"Oh" Ominis said looking down. "He sent me one letter, he told me he needed to be alone for a moment"

The mention of the letter Ominis received, made MC angry at Sebastian. Of course Ominis was his long time friend but she couldn't help it. She was hurt.

"I'll look after Poppy" She said while standing. "I'll be back in few minutes"

She closed the doors behind her leaving Ominis and Orion together. She began to walk through the front of the wagon, looking everywhere at her right side to see if Poppy was in one of the cabinets.

The excitement could be felt in the air. All the loud conversation of the new firsr years about the house they would be in and how they were eager to attend classes was funny.

"Hey ! Y/n !! Wait !" A voice called behind her.

MC turned her back to see who this voice belonged to. A bright red haired boy walked towards her. Freckles all over his smiling face.

"Garreth ! Long time no seen, how are you ?"

"Ho ! Absolutely fantastic, I spent the summer concocting new potion and I managed to made one ! Do you wanna try ?" He said searching in his pocket ans handing her a blue vial.

"No no thank you, after what happened last year I don't know if it's a good idea" she said jokingly.

"You're mean Y/n, I don't want you to die, I prefer having you with me" he said with a blink.

Oh he could be such an idiot sometimes !

"Have you seen Poppy today ?" She asked.

"Yes we are in the same compartment, she's with her brother right now. I'll tell her to join you when she comes back" He smiled.

"Tanks Garreth I'm in number 17th" She said leaving. "See you later ! Ominis is waiting for me"

"See you !"

She walked away finding her way to the compartment through the narrow corridor and all the student passing by. She passed the number 16 and as she was grabbing the next door handle, she saw someone with Ominis.

She opened the door and the boy in front of Ominis directly looked at her.



He's finally here ! I'm so sorry for the waiting I have to study and don't have much time to write (* *^)

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