"Mina, what happened to you..?" I raised a concern. "It is none of your business, get out now", she coldly replied. As expected of the cold princess, but I'm gonna be stubborn because it's a waste leaving a princess here. Seriously, I want to know why she is like that. That is definitely not normal. What happened was something I did not expect.

Mina was so frustrated aside from the pain she was feeling that when I asked her the same question again, she pushed me but I did not expect that power would come from her. I didn't know I was flying away from that single push, and the next thing I knew.. Mina disappeared only to find that she went behind me. She immediately grabbed both of my arms and went flash in getting back to where she kneeled. We were both panting but she was more on feeling the pain.

"What was that for?" I asked, out of concern. "You were the most stupid and idiotic person that I get to meet in my life", Mina replied while panting. I said, "You didn't have to do that. Is there actually a problem with me, that's why you are being so nosy every time I'm around? I-", I got cut off by Mina, they replied, "Exactly! Your stupidity is the reason I... I..." she stuttered, waiting for her to say the last words in her sentence, only to get sarcastically hurt by what she said to me.

"... hated you!"

"Okay okay, you hated me but... how is your heart? Why didn't you tell me you have a heart disease", I dumbly asked, even though I knew it was probably to her other self, well, her supernatural soul.. I think. "Do you want to touch my chest that badly to know how it feels?", she asked. I mean it wouldn't hurt how her heart feels, isn't it?

Right..? Right, Author-nim? Everyone?

Exactly, even though I agreed it's just normal that way, I replied, "I mean I want to know how your heart feels, at least this moment." She averted her gaze, only to return that gaze below and said, "Come. Then." I was a bit flustered on what she said and I can feel the hot atmosphere in my face. "Can you be once normal? That perverted look on your face is questionable", Mina said, out of nowhere.

"Oh sorry, did I gaze too much on your.." I didn't want to say the last word, because I think she could still guess what I am talking about. I try to go near her and lean towards where her heart was. It.. it was beating really fast. But for some reason, it was warm. I was full of questions, so I asked Mina this one question without hesitation, "Mina.. whose heart is it beating for? Is this even normal?" I raised a concern because I don't exactly know her nature very well, but even so, I think it wouldn't hurt to try and understand her a bit better.

"It was beating for someone.. I wouldn't have lived this far if it weren't for them." Hearing this, does that mean Mina is already taken? If so, then to whom? "I'm interested to hear about your love story with someone, but can you tell me that the other day?" I paused for a while then continued, "It's because we're at the forest right now, and I am a bit scared of what happens if we stay here for long." She called my name, out of nowhere, "Y/N..", I replied, "Yes? You want to tell it now?" Mina just somehow shrugged it off and her question got me.

"Is there a 'dead girl' appearing in your dreams?"

Dead girl..? Does she mean that one girl who appeared dead and tried choking me or what? But most importantly, how'd she know about that? Somehow, I'm hesitating to share it with her.. I think it wouldn't do any harm if I just said a word. "Y-yeah, there is", I replied. She then averted her gaze from looking at me, to trying to avoid it. "What's wrong, Mina", I raised a concern. She then replied, "I'll tell you tomorrow night about what that is. Meet up is at midnight. Hope you don't forget about it."

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