Log : 20

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As I hugged Y/N that question filled my head more and more. How the hell were we actually going to escape without any of Schlatt's men shooting us down, or even the rest of the mafia shooting us. The only one who somewhat knows what I'm doing is Skeppy, and god knows what he's doing right now.

"Ranboo," Y/N started. "Listen, I don't wanna hurt any of Schlatt's men.."

I pulled away from the hug and looked at their eyes. They don't want to hurt any of Schlatt's men? The fuck..?

So I questioned their idea, and kept trying to simplify their idea into the short answer of 'no'.

"Y/N, I get it, He's your dad and although he's an asshole who doesn't deserve to live, I understand that fine. But why his men? You've never gave a shit about them before, so why now?"

"Hey, how do you know what I give a shit about and what I don't?" they questioned.

My hands started shaking. Not only with nervousness, but with frustration. I wasn't understand their deal. Why can't we hurt them? Half of them are already dead, they can go check the stairs if they want proof. I don't get it.

Just through my thoughts, I heard a drunken voice illuminate up the stairs, along with another one.


Schlatt busted down the already broken door and right behind him was Ilumina, his dark suit somehow glowing without any light.

Y/N and I stared down the other two. A duel at the crack of noon.

I adjusted the gloves on my hands and reached down to pull out my gun, which both of the enemies eyes kayer upon.

Schlatt spoke out, "I ain't gonna hurt you as long as you hand over the brat next to you".

I loaded in a magazine and clocked the gun, safety off and all. "Never".

Just then, and I swear this wasn't planned, from behind Ilumina got shot through the back. He fell immediately, leaving me shock. I quickly made sure I wasn't the one who shot him, as his fast reflexes definitely would have shot back if it was me.

I look back up from the barrel of my gun and find Tubbo and Dream holding Schlatt down with a dead Ilumina next to him.

"Let go you fuckers!" Schlatt screamed out.

Tubbo grabbed a gun from his belt and shoved it against Schlatt's face. "You're dead to me you piece of shit".

Just as Tubbo was definitely about to shoot, Y/N ran up and shoved him out of the way.

"Stop! Don't fucking shoot you bastard!"

Dream and I were useless, and Schlatt immediately stood up and grabbed Y/N.

"That's a good Y/N! I knew you'd come back to dad,"

"Shut the fuck up," Y/N shouted.

Dream, Tubbo and I all pointed our guns at Schlatt. Which in return, we got a gun from Schlatt pointed at us.

"Y/N, what the fuck is wrong with you!" Tubbo shouted. "We both know what this fucktard is capable of, and you're protecting him? Stop being such a daddy's kid and shoot the asshole!"

"No! God dammit he's a living being and he doesn't deserve to die!" Y/N argued.

"What the fuck do you mean Y/N!" I joined in. "You always said how much he bothered you, abused you, fuck RAPED, you and you have nothing to say for it?!? Seriously what is your issue?"

"Don't even Ranboo, you don't even remember your fucking parents!" they argued back.

Just then, I did the unthinkable. And although I've killed two people before, with no experience, I didn't think killing Schlatt would be that easy.

And as soon as his body fell to the ground, Tubbo, Dream and Y/N stared down. Shell shocked.

The most blood hurdling scream was released as soon as the realization sunk in. Y/N was on their knees, hold Schlatt's blown up bloody head, and bawling.

I looked over at Tubbo, who was pretty expressionless besides the single tear that rolled down his face. And Dream, well he was standing there more useless than ever.

It was all happening so fast, the adrenaline making it seem faster than it was, and how perfect this plan was going.

"You monster!" Y/N cried out.

Dream must have finally snapped out of whatever trance he was stuck in because he said, "I-I'll go get the crew".

Tubbo slowly backed away following Dream. I don't think either of them anticipated the fact I'd actually pull the trigger. Neither did I to be completely and utterly honest.

As though my emotions snapped I slowly walked towards Y/N and Schlatt's motionless body. His head in pieces and blood and muscles absolutely everywhere.

Y/N kicked and screamed when I came in their direction. "Back up or I'm shooting you too you fucking piece of shit!"

"I'm the piece of shit? I've rescued you countless times from bullies, from bad grades, hell, even your fucking dad and I? am the peice of shit!?"

"Yeah well so called 'protecters' don't go around shooting fathers of innocent kids!" Y/N argued back.

I knelt down next to them and grabbed their face, my gloves sucking up any blood that splattered on their face. Their smooth face.

"Y/N why can't you just accept it? It's done and over with, I've fixed your biggest problem! Now you can stay with me, with us, with your life!"

They spat in my face. Lowkey nasty, but whatever. I needdd them to listen to me. To listen to my cries and pleads for them to just accept the fact of their new life.

"I'll always regret liking you, loving you, caring about you. You're such a waste of air, Ranboo. I'd rather go back to Noah than deal with someone who isn't an asshole".

I slapped Y/N across the face. And even though I'm wearing gloves, a big handprint was on their cheek, the cheek that I've been begging to hold for all this time.

I stood up quickly to get the higher ground on them. And Y/N's survival instincts must have finally kicked in because they grabbed Schlatt's bloody gun from under his arm.

"Don't touch me!" they cried out.

I laughed a maniacal laugh and took off my gloves, mask and glasses and threw them on top of the dead Schlatt. I pointed the gun towards my head and sighed.

"Well if you don't love me," I clocked the gun.

"Than no one will".

If I Killed Someone for You - |Ranboo x Reader.|Where stories live. Discover now