🎄 Once upon a December.. 🎄

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I hate Christmas.

Understandable right? Festivity with people makes the whole holliday make me want to kill someone.

The fact people think that some dancing fairies or horses will make me like Christmas. They make me sick.  That's what people do to celebrate Christmas...right? Crap, I don't remember.

My parents made it a blur. The whole thing a blur. I can almost, but just almost remember. I was doing perfectly fine on my own by the way. No one found it suspicious that a ten year old boy was walking around Time Square by himself.

I sat down by a bench, which was right by the biggest tree in like...the world. Don't confuse my words for excitement, because watching people hold eachother in warm embraces made me sick.

Everytime I exhaled, my breath made a silver storm, the cold air allowing itself to swirl. I got up from the bench, mostly because my butt was about to get stuck to it, and made my way over to the ice.

Skaters, dancers. No, not dancers, skaters. I leaned over a bit further to get a better look at these ugly actions. Then my head stopped, a memory flew across like a skater across the ice.

Skating, gliding and...laughing? There's figures in my memory. Who are they, and why can't I put a face on any of them? Where am I, why am I participating in such an act? I hate Christmas, why, why, "WHY!?". I didn't realize I shouted that last part, so practically the whole area looked at me.

My hands were to my pounding head, my eyes were searching, scanning for an answer or some kind of sign.

People were now walking towards me, saying words like "sweetie" or "honey" but the only thing going through my head was "run"

So with tears running down my face, I turned around, with my hands now down to my ears to block out the jolly shit talk I kept hearing, and ran.

I however, stopped in my tracks when I realized I ran right to Radio City. I examined it closely, the red lights piercing my eyes. Once again, I was sent right down memory lane.

"And this one's for ____!"

The paper was covered in some guy wearing all red. Fat and...proud...

I was handed the box. Wait, why am I accepting a pity box?

My hands were moving without me telling them too, and they teared apart the whole wrapping, leaving a white box in front of me. Once again, hands moving without any intention, they opened the box and uncovered...


What is that?

I don't..

"I don't remember!" I once again shouted.

This time less people were around, however one guy came up behind me and tapped my shoulder. I almost smacked him, however, he grabbed my hand.

"Let me go you fucking stalker!" I screamed.

"A stalker, I am not"

He spun me around and mt arm was no longer twisted in his grip. "But a helper? I might."

"Mr, this isn't a Dr. Suess book, just speak English!" I yelled in face.

He let go of my hand, and I almost thought about running. But what was left of my running mind told me to stay, just for a second.

"You seem stressed," the man stated. His dirty blonde hair swooping over his eyes. He stuck his hand out and I looked at him with a confused expression. He rolled his eyes, grabbed my hand and placed it in his much bigger hand, then shook his hand. "I'm Dream"

"You're not in my dreams, I'm like 95% sure this is reality," I corrected.

"No, my name is legitimately Dream."

"Who names thei-"


"My what?"


Who does this Dreamer think he is? Asking about my name. Like I know that to begin with....shit.

I froze up in front of this man. This stranger just asked me mt name and I can't fucking remember. And as if on command my eyes started to become the ocean, my fave started to become hot, and my heart was starting to beat faster.

He pulled me in, and then picked me up, just like I saw mothers do with their little children. A warm embrace, just like I saw that couple do by the tree.

I lifted my chin to examine my surroundings, there were other people behind Dream, one with goggles, and another with a some white paper around his head. The one waved, while the other smiled. I shakily lifted my lips to try an attempt at a smile. I don't smile, but it felt good too.

My eyes felt heavy, and while I knew that was because I was tired, it also felt right. Like I was safe, and that dancing horses and fairies with painted wings were real. I saw something familiar. The light at the end of the darkness,
it dimly illuminated itself. Reminded me of a..fire. I don't know, but my heart started to yearn to remember what these fairies, or silver storms meant to me.


"It's a song!" the older teen shouted.

I was brought to a house, after a really long drive. Like hours long. There, sitting in a room was a mini version of the tree at Time Square. Then, one of the kids wearing a blue hoodie saw me and Dream asked if he could take me to his room.

So now I sat there, with this kid named 'Zak' asking about myself. I just explained some of the things I could remember, and why I hated Christmas.

"What? A song?"

"Yeah!" he said, he pushed over his device and showed me something. "Oh you don't remember how to read do you?"

I shook my head, and he smiled. "Well it says exactly what your memories are like. Dancing people, fairies with painted wings, silver storms with horses prancing!"

"What's it called?" I asked.

"Its called,

Once Upon a December."

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