Log: 16

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I was getting annoyed by all the whining and crying of the others. It was like a megaphone blaring on my ears that just didn't have an off switch.

"I'm telling you it was Illumina, he did this!" Niki shouted.

I rolled my eyes happily, because at least they are believing it. I knew they were stupid enough to believe this and now comes the second part of my plan.

I kind of laughed quietly just thinking about it. Lemme tell you it has something to do with gasoline.

However, we had to hold a memorial service for Purpled. It was tradition, a weird one at that. When you join the mafia, Dream makes a silicone mold of your hand holding a knife, which he keeps for his weird...fetishized fantasies...however, when you die, he places it in your sent way of death.

Just like how Techno wanted to be sent away on a boat, viking style. He always said the world needed some anarchy, so a firey boat sent off to sea was his choice of departure.

I missed my arrow at the boat...it landed in the water..and sank...kinda depressing right?

Well, Purpled's way of going was his ashes being sent to space. I know right? Space. Where time is just an inconsistent idea, and places are still unexplored, just like the bottom of the ocean. He really didn't have a chance to plan out anything besides that, which he had only told Sam. And his very early departure was particularly my fault.

Mostly my fault...

Okay, a hundred percent my fault.

Dream had told us all to say our goodbyes, as he's going to have to dispose of his body in order to get his ashes.

Some of the members left way early because they thought they were gonna puke just looking at his body. I followed suit, and left with the others. Even if I stayed, it wouldn't have mattered. Everyone had the mural agreement that Schlatt was behind this, so now the plan to kill Schlatt and save Y/N was set closer.

By closer, they mean in two days from now. Their thought was if Schlatt was striking now, that it's be better to try to get to him sooner than let another person die.

Which unfortunately for us, or I mean, them. My second victim was set. Fundy.

Should have been my first, but Purpled would have suspected something if Fundy had been killed. He was way to smart for anyone or anything.

And my plan of action was exactly the same, with minor changes to the area.

This murder needed to be outside, and come on, Fundy isn't that noticeable. I wonder how long it would take for someone to notice he was gone.

Tubbo, Tommy and I haven't gone to school in a while, so Phil wanted us to go back, which was just perfect.

What I would do is sneak out during lunch, and from one of my friends phones (probably Noah cause I'm just..on great terms with him), and tell Fundy that I've got one of his friends hostage. He has a lot of friends outside of the mafia, so I fail to believe that he would tell anyone where he was going.

Then, I'd meet him there, and just...shoot him.

The location I'd tell him to meet up at would be some quarry in the middle of the woods. It's a secret location, that only Y/N and I went to from our friend group. It's secluded enough to the point that no joggers or bikers would even consider going to the location.

But for extra safety, I'll put a bomb connected to a trip wire on the trail, so if anyone crosses it, they go BOOM!

Haha, being a serial killer is pretty fun.

Also, my Build-A-Bear heart would come in handy, because once again, I'll put the watch against the heated heart, and put it in my next block classroom, so if they try to track it, I'm hidden away in my classroom...extra help for calculus.


I drove Tubbo and Tommy to school the next day, and while Tubbo and Tommy were in the backseat sleep soundly, I was making embellishing the little details of my plan.


"Finally, lunch time!" Regan announced slamming her keys on the lunch table.

Noah was reading, and Isla was already chewing into the nasty school lunch food they offered.

"Yo, Boo" Noah started, "you still upset about Y/N?"

I really wanted to say how stupid that question was, and how anybody naturally should be upset that their friend was kidnapped and the cops stated how they couldn't do anything about it because cops are just my favorite, but no.

"A bit, I just wanna get through these next few weeks, and that starts by getting my grades up!" I exclaimed, standing up from the lunch bench and walking towards the door.

"Alright bye Ranboo!" Isla waved. I smiled back, with Noah's phone tucked in my pocket.


Gotta thank Quackity for teaching me how to pick pocket from people with no noticeable evidence.

Once I finally got to my calculus class, I was surprised to see that there was no teacher, which made things a lot easier.

I set up my watch contraption and ran out of the classroom.

I had already texted Fundy on the way to my class, it was the matter of destroying the evidence afterwards, so I smashed Noah's phone into a locker a couple of times and left it there.

I was under the influence of "nothing to loose", which is why killing people was becoming second nature to me.

Another thing I decided was that I was going to break into Schlatt's base before the others, and take Y/N before the others could get to them. I didn't need the members crowding them, because they're all mine.


"Hello?" I heard Fundy call out.

I had sped down the parkway in order to get here before him. I wasn't really worried about my class, because I had study hall before my calculus class on A days. Which my blocked schedule had helped me so much throughout this plan.

Fundy was so close to me, like ten feet, so I waited him to turn around before I stood up.

I stood up and loaded my gun.

He turned around and looked at me like he didn't know who I was. His pupils had shrunk when he finally realized who I was.



"What's with the gun, what are you doing?"

I shrugged, the pointed the gun at his face. "Getting rid of the evidence"

I think my favorite line from Hamilton is from the song "The Room Where it Happens"

Which originally was the line where it states how no one knows how the sausage gets made, cause how does that line make any fucking sense? Well it's different now.

It's the part where it goes, "Click, boom then it happened..

But no one else was in the room where it happened.."

Cause guess what. No one else was their when I pulled the trigger and killed Fundy.

Y/N, I really am killing someone for you.

If I Killed Someone for You - |Ranboo x Reader.|Where stories live. Discover now