Log: 12

382 12 5

"Alright fess up who's the traitor?" Fundy asked, slamming his booze on the table.

"Fundy!" Niki shouted, punching him in the arm.

"Ow! What, it's a valid question! Purpled suggested it and god knows he's smart so what gives?" Fundy confessed, throwing his hands up.

"Fundy," Karl started. "If there is a traitor how do we know it's not you? Hell, we all know you're a shit liar so you could be the traitor for all we know". His voice was raised, and I could tell he was getting very heated by this accusing of one another.

Sapnap wrapped his arms around Karl in order to calm him down, in which Karl just buried his head in Sapnap's neck.

"Even then I still don't believe that one of us would actually have the balls to face Schlatt like that" George pointed out.

We all sat thinking for a moment. I mean, everyone expect Tubbo. He was crying in his room. He was told this dark last that none of us couldn't imagine. He was told his parents were killed, he was tortured, threatened. Hell! He's related to Y/N and he's still trying to wrap his head around the fact that his so called "parents" adopted him, and that Schlatt was his real father. It doesn't make sense just thinking about it.

"What if...there wasn't an intentional traitor?" Ponk asked.

"Amigo," Quackity said looking Ponk up and down. "That's by far the stupidest thing I've ever heard"

"Wait, no he has a point." Sam spoke out, looking at the table in front of him. "Tommy, did you ever pick up the watch you smashed..?"

Tommy's hand slammed on the table. "Fuck!"

"Tommy!" almost half of the times screamed.

Tommy doesn't do well with yelling, so almost immediately he broke down in tears. "I'm sorry okay?!? I didn't think it would be any issue like this" he sobbed.

His sobs filled the room, and immediately Wilbur went into big brother mode, grabbing him and pulling him into a tight embrace. No one spoke a word, and the people who screamed at Tommy were already regretting their decision.

Dream tilted his head towards the door, and Wilbur grabbed Tommy bridal style and walked out of the room, probably going to Tubbo's room.


It was Tommy and Wilbur who walked into my room. Or more Wilbur walking in and Tommy being held. I scooted over to allow Wilbur to sit down, and when seated Tommy was seen dead asleep.

I looked at Wilbur confused, but his look didn't give me any answers. In fact, just made me more confused cause he had the same look that I did.

"They started yelling at Tommy," Wilbur showed looking down at him. His face looked damp and had red tinted all over.

Wilbur was always a protective person, there's no doubt about that, but ever since Techno died, Wilbur has always been there to catch Tommy. I mean, he always has been there, always will be there, but I know for a damn fact Wilbur won't let go of Tommy till the day he dies.

"Oh and-"

"Y/N is my long lost sister? Pfft- I'm aware, you guys were screaming to downstairs. I knew that son of a bitch lied. If Schlatt didn't want me I don't understand why he put me up for adoption,
only to kill my adoptive parents and take me back. I swear, the alcohol he ingests makes everything Wonderland"

Wilbur sat there, not saying anything about my little vent. Tommy shifted from his previous position. Wilbur got up and started walking towards the door. "Let him rest. I don't know how in the span of twenty seconds he managed to fall asleep, but you all are going through a lot right now, and I don't think either have you have been sleeping"

I'll admit, he was right. Sleep wasn't a priority, besides, I spent most of my nights hoping something bad would happen to Schlatt. He needs his fucking karma. He's outrun it for too long.

I opened my computer and turned on Netflix. I needed to watch something just to get my mind off of things.

About an hour later, and an episode of OBX finished, I watched as the second episode button appeared.

"JJ Maybank is who I aspire to be" Tommy said, looking up from the computer.

I looked back at the screen, pausing tje second epsisode. "You need to have abs for that," I laughed. "How long have you been awake?"

He shrugged. "However long ago it was since we thought Sarah got electrocuted"

I nodded, closing my computer. Tommy sat up and pulled out his phone. "You spoken to anyone from school yet?"

"Only the hockey group, but I had to tell them I was missing some games" I responded, also pulling out my phone.

"You think Kevin outta be mad?"

"Doyle? Shit he doesn't care. He's always busy with some other shit, he barely even comes to practice, he just yells at us over text and voice memos"

"Girls seem to love him" he spoke, using the snap filters to respond to one of his friends.

"Always fun being cast in the shadows of him"

"You've made it on the hockey varsity team Tubs! For Christ sake, you know you've made it hella far right?"

I laughed, and I'll be the first to say, I miss being normal. I miss having a normal life without worrying about missions. Just being kids. Dream would always yell at us, but hell, because of Schlatt, I didn't have any morals until I was 15! And him putting me in high school during that time didn't help. However, Phil's recommendation to try a sport helped a shit tone. He said something like "let your anger out" I didn't really give a fuck because I was wonderhing why there was a ginger bitch who was eyeing me up and down.

I snapped out of my thoughts and thanked Tommy, just for the reminder that no one's words or actions should mean anything to me anymore. Hoping Dream will drop us out next year.

Tommy turned over his phone and sighed. "You think Y/N holding up all right?"

"Honestly. I really don't know.

but I hope so"

If I Killed Someone for You - |Ranboo x Reader.|Where stories live. Discover now