Chapter 25: Cookies

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Wanda's happy place was the kitchen. Either that or the garden. Domesticity brought a grounded sense of normalcy to her otherwise chaotic life: stripping wasn't normal, pruning shrubs and breaking down a whole chicken were. At her most stressed, you'd come downstairs in the morning to the kitchen counters overflowing with a variety of muffins, cookies, and other pastries as she poured her stress into sugar.

Most days you left her alone when she got into one of her cooking moods. You learned the hard way when you were on the receiving end of a thrown wooden spoon. That was when you decided it would be best to hide out literally anywhere else in the house, but today you couldn't help yourself. Maybe it was the sweet smell of her famous double chocolate chunk cookies, or perhaps it was the oldies hits playlist echoing throughout the downstairs. Either way, all you wanted to do was stand and watch.

Wanda was in her own world. She didn't notice as you slunk your way to the kitchen, crossing your arms as you leaned on the wall, lovingly gazing at her all the while. The sweet smell of her famous double chocolate chunk wafted through the air as the latest batch baked to perfection in the oven. The others sat atop cooling racks, their tantalizing aroma infiltrating your brain. Dressed in her half apron, the strings tied in a neat bow and accentuating her still heavenly figure, Wanda danced around the kitchen. Her baking playlist was filled with an eclectic mixture of artists and genres spanning from the golden oldies to traditional Sokovian folk music. She was on a 70s kick today and Al Green's voice echoed off the walls of Wanda's safe haven.

She was ridiculously adorable. Wanda bopped to the beat, swinging her hips as she took one tray out of her oven and replaced it with another. She twirled, singing slightly-off key as she eyed the mixing bowl on the counter. Leave it to Wanda to lick the remaining batter off the spoon even after yelling at the boys to not do so. It was only the sound of your poorly stifled giggle that snapped her back into reality: she froze like a deer in the headlights, eyes wide as the spoon remained firmly in her mouth.

"What?" she mumbled innocently, swirling her tongue around the last morsels of chocolatey deliciousness.

"Nothing," you shrugged. "Just thought licking the batter from the bowl wasn't allowed in your good Jewish household."

"This is a spoon, darling, not a bowl." Wanda rolled her eyes, her lips curving upward in a subtle grin as she turned away from you. Your eyes were glued to the way her jeans fit her perfectly. The looseness of the vintage bell bottoms had no impact on the tight hug the rinsed denim had over her hips. The cookies were definitely not the only snack in the kitchen. "What are you staring at?"

"Huh?" Her voice snapped you out of your hypnotized state.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"Umm...the stitching on your pockets matches the strings on your apron?" She glanced behind her shoulder, spinning awkwardly to try and look at her back pockets.

"I don't know whether to be flattered or weirded out."

"Well I'm checking you out so..." you smirked.

"How about you check these out instead?" You opened your mouth to speak right as Wanda shoved a warm cookie right inside.

Like always, Wanda's culinary skills were off the charts. It was warm, gooey, and ever so chocolatey the way you liked. A sinful groan escaped your lips as the morsel literally melted in your mouth.

"Well-?" She cocked her head, hand on her hip as she twirled the spoon around her free hand.

"Perfection. Like usual. But I don't think these cookies are the best snack in the kitchen right now." Wanda's face blushed as red as her shirt at your insinuation. Not one who took praise easily, she kicked one foot in front of the other as she stared at the ground, completely embarrassed. It was her most endearing quality.

"So I'm a snack then?" she asked quietly.

"I don't know if I'd really consider you a snack though, Wanda."

"Oh-?" Her eyes widened in confusion as you slunk towards her.

"I think that you're definitely more of a dessert. The end of the meal, the best part of the night. A succulent, luscious, tantalizing dessert." There wasn't a second for Wanda to respond to your seductive insinuations. As she opened her mouth, you grabbed her face, pulling her as close as you could and pressing your lips firmly against hers. She tasted of cherry (her choice of chapstick) and chocolate, the intoxicating combination dizzying the both of you. Soft arms wrapped around your neck. The wooden spoon rubbed up against the back of your head and sprinkled your hair with chocolate. You didn't care. As you deepened the kiss, Wanda carefully walked the two of you back into the island counter. She giggled as a soft bump stopped the two of you and you couldn't help but smile into her soft lips. Her hands trailed down your neck, the wooden dowel drawing a line down your spine while her hands eventually gripped your waist.

"I smell cookies!"

"I'll beat you to-EWW!"

Nothing broke the two of you apart faster than Billy and Tommy stopping dead in their tracks in front of you. Wanda pushed you off of her so hard you nearly toppled over while the spoon fell forgotten to the ground.

"Gross!" Billy mumbled as he grabbed two cookies off the cooling rack, not bothering to make eye contact with either you or his mother.

"Yeah, get a room, mom," Tommy chided as he shoveled a stack of cookies into his hands.

"Excuse me, young man, but that's way too many cookies," Wanda scolded as she readjusted her rumpled shirt.

"If I eat enough cookies I'll forget what I saw. Do you want me to be scarred for life?" Somehow you managed to cover your laugh with a cough as you knelt down to pick up the spoon. Wanda was speechless at Tommy's remark. Her face, once red with desire, was now red with embarrassment. Was it a little impetuous? Yes. Was it funny? Absolutely, but you couldn't let Wanda know that.

"Just get out of here before I make you put those cookies back, mister!" she called as he raced down the hall.

The two of you stood in the uncomfortable awkwardness of just being caught by Wanda's sons. While it wasn't the most compromising position the two of you had been caught in, you wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear. It was only the dinging of the timer that brought you out of such an awkward pause.

"So..." you mumbled after clearing your throat.

"So..." Wanda answered as she flipped cookies off the hot pan and on to the cooling rack.

"That was-"



"It's our fault. We both knew they're home."

"Still doesn't change the fact I'm incredibly horny," you shrugged, plopping another cookie into your mouth.

"Y/N!" Wanda snapped, the faintest hint of a smirk on her face.

"What? I haven't seen you in a week, your ass looks fantastic in those jeans, and-goddamn, these cookies are incredible."

"What do my cookies have to do with you being horny?"

"Nothing. They're just really good."

Wanda sighed, looking at the empty mixing bowl in front of her. "This is what I get for dating a twenty-five year old," she mumbled as she shook her head.

"We don't have to have sex if you don't want to." Wanda's head snapped up suddenly, a devilish gleam in her eye.

"Who says I don't want to?" 

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