Chapter 17: Latte Love🍋

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A/N: This was a request I received on Tumblr from @aloneodi. Enemies to lovers, angst, smut.  Enjoy!

For the past two months the construction across the street from your bakery had driven you insane. The constant sawing and hammering was grinding your gears. You weren't sure what was coming in the old storefront. It had been vacant as long as you could remember. You were in elementary school when Mr. Neely retired and the building now sat in a state of dilapidated disrepair: the front awning was threadbare, the windows were partially boarded up, and graffiti was spray painted over the brick storefront. Inside the empty cases gathered dust and cobwebs. It was a bit of a pleasant surprise when you came to work one day to see a 'SOLD' sign taped to the front door.

"Maybe we should blast some music, give them a taste of their own medicine," Natasha suggested with a smirk. Natasha Romanoff was your right hand woman when it came to running the bakery. Not only was she an accounting whiz and could balance the books in her sleep, she also made a mean creme brûlée.

"I just don't understand why it's taken them so long to remodel. It's construction, not rocket science. What's going in there anyway?"

"It's a coffee shop. I met the owner when I went to the wholesaler the other day," Sam explained as he dumped another batch of bagels into the bucket. A slightly intimidating Air Force veteran with the heart of a teddy bear, Sam was your resident bagel maker and donut fryer. People came from all corners of the state for his famous brownie batter donuts and egg everything bagels,

"So literally the exact same as us?" You could hardly believe what you were hearing. The Rolling Scones had quickly established itself as Westview's premiere (and only) bakery. Why did someone else need to open up right across the street?

"Hold up, it's not exactly the same thing. We're a bakery that serves coffee and they're a coffee shop that serves baked goods. Totally different."

You shot Sam a glance that immediately made him do an about face and head back to his boiling batch of bagels. Flour covered fingers ran through your hair as you leaned up against the back counter thinking about all the negative ways this new shop was going to impact yours.

"What are we gonna do, Nat? I can't lose this place."

"Y/N, relax. It's just another business. We're not going to go out of business just because there's a new place in town. If anything they're the ones who should be worried. They have to compete with Sam's bagels."

"We could just burn it down!" Peter, the teenager who washed dishes after school and on weekends, added. "Then we wouldn't have to worry about them!"

"He's got a point," Sam added as the door jingled open.

"Peter! Arson isn't the answer here!" Nat rolled her eyes, heading to the back to work on handling the latest invoices.

"But it is a solution," you teased. Natasha groaned as she kicked the back room door open. "Can I help you?" you asked, turning your attention to the customer who walked up to the counter.

"Yeah, I'm looking for a - oh, SAM! Hi!" The young woman in front of you raised up on her tiptoes and waved over the counter.

"Wanda hey!" He walked over, an overflowing basket of hard rolls in his arms. "Glad you came. How's the remodeling going?"

"Good! My contractor told me that we should be able to open by the end of the month."

"That's great news! Did you pick the name yet?"

"My brother and I argued about it for a while, but we finally settled on Latte Love."

"You're the one who bought the old deli?!"

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