Chapter 7: Undercover 🍋

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A/N: This was a request from @maximofflover over on the Tumblr side of things.  If you have any other requests just shoot them my way!  And yes, I am a Golden Girls fan thanks for asking 🙃

"If you two don't stop fighting I'm putting you both in a time out. I'm not even joking," Tony threatened over his shoulder as he piloted the Quinjet. "I swear to god."

"Tony, man, she started it!" Y/N protested.

"I don't care who started it, Y/N. I'm finishing it." Tony kept both hands on the controls as he stared straight ahead. "Sit down and shut up."

"So you're gonna yell at me but not her?" he pointed at Wanda. "What the hell man?"

"Alright that's it. You sit over there next to Bucky. Maximoff, next to Romanoff."

"Me? I didn't say anything!" Wanda protested.


Arms crossed and mumbling under their breath, Y/N and Wanda sat in time out. The rest of the team sat in stunned silence, fearing they too might get a time out if they dared to open their mouths.

Y/N huffed as he slunk down in his chair, arms crossed as he slumped back and glared at Wanda. She glared right back at him. Her eyes glowed scarlet as she bore into his soul.

You're so dead, L/N, she thought.

Fuck off, Maximoff, he thought so loudly he hoped she'd hear it.

Y/N didn't know what it was about her. She seemed to absolutely hate him. Every thought, every word, every action of his caused a fight or a snide remark. Most times she pretended he was invisible. Her dismissive attitude not only bothered him, it hurt him. As much as he fought with her, he'd always nursed a sweet spot for the witch. He'd never been able to make his feelings known. How could he? She'd humiliate him. So to counteract those feelings he'd adopted a sort of playboy persona. It was a totally foreign idea to him at first, but once he got the hang of it he learned it was fun being a flirt. Dating apps were his best friend. After a while he had a rotation of girls he could call for hookups. He even expanded his flirtations to members of the Avengers. He'd casually dated Yelena and Kate at separate points, and there was the one Christmas party where he'd fucked Natasha in the hall closet...But Wanda? He couldn't even get close to her. He used the other girls to distract himself from his feelings, but there were many nights he fantasized about the redhead while he was buried deep in someone else.

They sat in an awkward silence for the remainder of the flight. Y/N would glance up at Wanda every so often only to be met with a cold glare in return.

"L/N, Maximoff, stay behind please," Tony asked as they landed. Y/N groaned as he stood up, dreading the thought of another Tony lecture. Tony worked his way to the center of the ship. He stood with his arms crossed and eyebrows raised, totally unamused. Y/N shuffled over to him, hands shoved in his pockets. Wanda stood next to him, her body language stiff and rigid. She obviously wanted to be there just as badly as he did.

Tony looked from one to the other and sighed. "Look, I don't know what's going on between the two of you, but you've gotta knock it off. Cut the bullshit, stop the lovers quarrel, and get focused, okay?" Y/N shrugged while Wanda huffed as she rolled her eyes. "Good. Glad we're in agreement because I'm sending you two out on a mission next week," he smirked.

"You're kidding me, right?" Y/N ask as Wanda's jaw fell open in disgust.

"Nope," Tony shook his head. He seemed to enjoy torturing the two of them. Like making them interact with each other was a personal triumph of his. "You'll be going undercover. We've received some intel that one of the last surviving heads of HYDRA is attending an underground auction out in Boston. You two will be posing as Mr. and Mrs. Nylund, a socialite couple from Minnesota who made their fortune as jewel smugglers."

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