Chapter 20: I Know So

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Warnings: Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Blood, Hospitals, Medical Procedures

Joy. Pure unadulterated joy. That's the first thing you felt when you opened the small bag Wanda left on the kitchen table for you.

"Really?" you asked as you cradled the tiny yellow booties in your hands.

"Mmhmm," Wanda nodded, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. She yelped as you picked her up and spun her around.

"You're pregnant!" The feeling was indescribable. After all the months of trying, all the hoping and praying and negative tests, Wanda was getting her boys back. Never again would she dream about traveling back into the multiverse to find them. They finally existed in your world.


You were the one who found her hiding out in that cave in the mountains of Sokovia. She convinced herself she was a burden to society, a being undeserving of love and affection. It was the punishment she deserved for all the pain she caused. No matter how many times she told you that, you refused to listen. You loved Wanda with all your heart. She deserved the world and so much more. There's nothing you wouldn't do to make her happy.

She had told you all about them. How they miraculously grew up in the blink of an eye in Westview. How Billy was sweet and sensitive, his mother's child through and through. How Tommy was daring and adventurous, reminding her so much of her brother. Losing them almost destroyed her. You held her as she recounted her descent into the Darkhold. The countless lives she tore apart as she scrambled to find her boys. She never forgot the way they looked at her as they begged for their lives. It broke her.

When you first talked about children, Wanda was apprehensive. Motherhood was something she craved desperately, but feelings of inadequacy and doubt plagued her. Did she even deserve the chance to be a mother again? She didn't seem to think so. What if something happened to them? She'd lost them twice, she couldn't lose them again.

"Wanda, you're not going to lose them again. Every other you has her boys, right? It's your turn to be happy." She smiled as you thumbed away the tear rolling down her cheek.

"You think so?" she sniffled.

"I know so."


"Okay, that one is definitely Tommy. That's his nose." Wanda mumbled as she shoved the other half of the jelly donut into her mouth.

"Wanda, they're both half an inch long. They look like beans. How on earth can you tell which one is which?"

"This isn't my first time being pregnant with them, Y/N. I know my boys. Plus, look at the other one. Billy always held his hands like that when he was napping."

"That's a strange sentence, but given the circumstance I'll allow it," you chuckled as you gripped the steering wheel tighter.

"Are you gonna eat that?" Wanda didn't even wait for your response as she snatched your donut out of the bag.

"Go ahead," you sighed. Wanda's pregnancy cravings were keeping all the local bakeries in business and your wallet that much thinner. It would be a long seven months before you could have a donut to yourself again.

"Mmm, so I think we should do a jungle theme for the nursery?"

"Jungle? Why jungle?"

"Sweetheart, it was 1970 the last time I had them. Themed nurseries weren't really a thing back then," she explained, her mouth full of donut.

"I guess I could go along with that," you shrugged. "I was thinking blue because, y'know, they're boys, but jungle works too."

She shot you a knowing look. "I can't wait for you to meet them. You're going to be the perfect father."

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