Chapter 1

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Sipping down my black coffee I check on all the transportation we did this week. The results been quiet good with a total loss of 5% and profit of 95%.

While going through the charts, I notice a name Nichola Evans. Looks like she's been taking our profits.

I call Mishel and order him to kill Nichola Evans, who is surprisingly an ex agent of that dickheads Company. "Patience is a virtue"he camly tells me and before he continues to give me some intelligence, I shut him down and order him to do what I said.

I can not think calmy when the Italians are involved in our business, all I can see is red and think of killing them all.
Ending their empire like how they did to ours years back.

It seems like she's been taking our transport in mini amounts causing the lost of 0.11%, it's a small amount I know but I care .

Not everyone is born with a golden spoon, i had to sacrifice and build this entire company and the mafia so I'm not letting my hardwork go to waste by an inch.

After telling Mishel to do some research on what that dickhead has been upto I hung up and head straight towards my closet which mainly had clothes filled with black.

I pick black leather pants with a black croptop and a Suit jacket which is also black.
I just love black okay!
I pair a golden neck jewelry with it and to finish the look I decide to wear my YsL sunglasses.

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I look at myself in the mirror and do some touchups.
After being satisfied with how I look,
I decide to skip breakfast because I don't really think I can eat without puking it out.

After going past the kitchen area, I inform the workers that I'm not going to have breakfast and they smile softly while nodding their head.

I make my way to the garage while scrolling down my phone.

Glancing around all my lined up cars I make my way to my favorite BMW XM.
I then get inside the driver's seat and start to drive towards the office.

I mostly drive myself to work and other places, But while attending meetings or some functions I have Mishel drive me to look 'professional' I don't really know the concept of it, just something my father told

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I mostly drive myself to work and other places, But while attending meetings or some functions I have Mishel drive me to look 'professional' I don't really know the concept of it, just something my father told.

I have been handeling the company and the mafia for 2 years now. My dad passed down his responsibilities to me officially while laying on his death bed.
I was always interested in this field so i whole heartedly accepted it being grateful that my father thought of me being capable of handling these huge responsibilities.

But it came with some regulations which I was unaware of, resulting me to sacrifice the things i love, including Him.

As I make my way towards the cabin, employees on the way and some mafia members greeted me and I politely nooded my head towards them.

Before I reached my cabin I view Mishel in front of the cabin door waiting for me with some files in his hand. He greets me and follows me inside the cabin.
He gives me all the required information of the Italian mafia. I nod at him and he leaves after bowing. I chuckle to myself after recalling him scolding me for going pass the speed limit last night.

Me and Mishel have basically grown together in the same house and he's like an annoying brother figure to me.

I slowly start reading down the files Looks like your security has been lossend up or I guess I have found the best hackers.
As I was reading down the files I came up towards a certain name 'Francis Gallo'

What the fuck? Lorenzo dared to have Francis involved in his business knowing he's been working for us since years?
And why the fuck did Francis agree to this.

I can't let Francis Gallo slip from my hands because he is the only source from Ireland who has been transporting our supplies successfully.
And Ireland is on our top 10 list
Man's been our business partner since day one and now he is switching sides? Why?

I call mishel and tell him to arrange an urgent meeting with Francis Gallo.

If he was afraid of Lorenzo's Genovese, I'll show him what Andreia Mogilevich is capable of.

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