Chapter 11: Armando and Patrick Doyle

Start from the beginning

"As soon as my sons come, bring them inside right away. I've invited additional visitors, so show them where we are before the gathering starts. These people are extremely important — do you understand, Betty?" Don Arturo gazed at her.

Betty nodded, afraid to say anything. She knew Don Arturo was not someone to be trifled with. His reputation preceded him, and Betty knew that the man before her held the power to destroy everything she had worked for. As she made her way out of the room, Betty couldn't help but wonder what people Don Arturo was expecting. She had been working for him for a long time, and he had often invited important people to his meetings, but this time seemed different. There was a sense of urgency in his mannerisms that made her uneasy. Betty waited outside the door; she heard car engines approaching. Her heart skipped a beat as she wondered who could arrive this soon.

Betty's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching. "Betty, come with me." Don Arturo commanded, as he led the way towards the entrance.

They reached the door; Betty saw four burly men standing outside. Their faces were stern, and their postures exuded an air of authority. Betty hesitated in surprise as Don Arturo made the introductions, his voice dripping with ice. Don Giovanni Ferrari Sr. stood tall, his underboss son Giovanni Jr. to his right, and two brothers Tommaso and Santino behind him. His voice was steely and direct as he gave Betty her orders.

"Men, this is my housekeeper, Betty. Anything you need, she will get for you. Please show them to our meeting room, and tell my wife I said to meet me in my office."

Betty swallowed her fear and gestured for them to follow her, her hands trembling slightly. She hurried toward the meeting room, acutely aware of the men's footsteps on the marble floor behind her. As they entered the meeting room, Betty noticed a long table adorned with neatly stacked folders and documents. The four men took their seats as Betty stood by the doorway, her eyes darting around the room.

Underboss Giovanni Jr. cleared his throat and spoke up. "Betty, could you please fetch us some water?"

Betty nodded, grateful for something to do. She walked out of the room, her heart racing. As she made her way to the kitchen, she couldn't help but wonder what kind of meeting she had just interrupted. The Don's demeanor was serious and commanding, and even his son seemed to hold a great deal of power in the room. Once she arrived in the kitchen, Betty splashed her face with cool water and took a deep breath. She couldn't let her nerves get the best of her. She grabbed a pitcher of water and four glasses, then made her way back to the meeting room.

As she approached the table, underboss Giovanni Jr. stood up and took the pitcher from her. Their eyes met briefly, and Betty felt a jolt of electricity run through her body. She glanced away, feeling embarrassed. Underboss Giovanni Jr. poured the water into each glass, his movements fluid and deliberate. He had always been known for his grace and precision, even in the tensest of situations. Betty couldn't help but watch him as he moved, admiring the way his muscles rippled under his shirt.

She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. She couldn't let her attraction to him cloud her judgment. After all, he was the son of the Don, and she was here to do a job. Betty stirred the meeting room, her heart pounding in her chest as she heard Don Arturo's voice still ringing in her ears. She hastened to Mrs. Marchetti with his orders to meet him in his office. She completed her tasks; an almost imperceptible chill filled the air; it appeared everyone had been holding their breath until finally the front door of the mansion creaked open. There, stood Don Salvatore flanked by underbosses Enzo and Dante, Don Arturo's sons. An ominous silence pervaded the entire house. Betty busied herself with her chores, making sure the house was tidy and dinner was prepared. Don Arturo stalked toward the entrance of his mansion, with Lucrezia standing beside them, her face filled with joy at seeing her sons after a few weeks.

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