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The bus stopped, waking Lauren and Ally, the lightest sleepers of the group they always arrived at hotels early to avoid being swarmed by paparazzi. The two girls started to wake up the others, Dinah and Mani did not appreciate being woken up so early. They got grumpy being woken so early but were quickly distracted by snacks from Ally. Camila and Ivy were both very different waking up, becoming much more affectionate.

The other three girls laughed as Lauren had the two girls attached to her. Ivy nuzzled her face into Lauren's neck, and Camila whined and wrapped her arms around her middle. Lauren expertly picked up Ivy while allowing Camila to stay attached to her. Luckily, the rooms had already been picked out and were across from each other.

Lauren laughed with Ally, Mani, and Dinah as she struggled to get the two girls still attached to her through the door into their room. Once finally in Camila let go of Lauren to flop down on the bed, probably to try and sleep again.

"Come on Camz, if you sleep now, you won't be able to sleep tonight, and you won't have enough energy for the show."

Camila groaned but slowly got back up, perching herself on the side of the bed while Ivy nuzzled closer to Lauren.

"I think we have a cuddly baby on our hands," Lauren chuckled as Ivy tried to bury herself further into the girl.

"M not a baby"

Now Camila was smiling at the two girls. They were adorable together. She knew how caring Lauren was. She was always there to look after her and the other girls. She was the perfect fit to look after Ivy.

"This is all moving so fast, Laur."

"I know Camz, but I wouldn't have it any other way it was clear that she needed this, and she needed it quickly,"

Camila and Lauren both looked over to Ivy, happily smiling together. They both knew that everything would be alright.

Lauren suddenly remembered that she had something to pick up from the front desk. Now that Camila knew about her little side, Lauren was sure that the girl would be safe with Camila, but she really didn't want to leave her. She knew it wasn't good for her to be this protective over Ivy and that she needed time away from her, but Lauren would always worry about her. She was starting to see her as her little girl. Finally, Lauren managed to tear herself away from her thoughts.

"Camz, can you look after the little one while I go get something from the front desk?"

Camila smiled at the nickname Lauren used for Ivy. She had already thought that the girl that they had picked up was cute and wanted to get to know her, but to know that Lauren, who usually has a hard time opening up to people so quickly had managed to form such a close bond to the girl so soon.

"Sure, Laur, we'll be fine,"

Poor Lauren looked like a worried mother as she left the room, Camila smiled to herself before looking back to Ivy, who had a light blush on her face while moving to chew on her thumb.

Camila gently moved the girls hand away from her mouth, thinking carefully about how to approach her.

"Hey, you feeling big or small at the moment?"

"Big, everything's pretty overwhelming at the moment, and I can't let myself relax."

It was probably one of the first times Camila had heard her speak properly. She could still clearly hear the shy tone of the girls voice. This must all be extremely overwhelming for her. Before this, all she was was a fan. After all, it had taken Camila quite a while to get used to the way they live their lives, this girl must be in shock.

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