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A/N: You might hate me for this chapter, but I hope not...

Lauren couldn't sleep, she was having bad feelings all night and as she tossed and turned in her bunk she decided to just give up, she turned ok her phone before connecting her headphones, blasting some Demi Lovato to try and clear her head.

The girls all woke up early being woken by noise. Lauren was the first out of her bunk as she was already dressed, and the others followed not long after. Things seemed off. The air held a massive deal of tension that was broken by Normani.

"Holy shit...girls...things are not good,"

The face Mani was making was enough to scare all the other girls as they all looked at the phone. Camila teared up and quickly dove back into her bunk to hide from the world. Ally just stood in shock. Lauren and Dinah both became very angry.

Because that was it.

They were terminated.

Just like that, management had pulled everything for Fifth Harmony overnight, and they had nothing. The bus stopped at a large airport, and the girls had been told they had to get all their stuff together.

Ivy was the one taking it the worst. She had no idea why things were going so bad. It hadn't been that long since she had joined the girls, so she assumed she had something to do with it. The girl didn't know what to do or how to feel, so she just followed everything that Lauren told her to do. Following the shock, Ivy had become more and more quiet and attached to Lauren. She would just silently follow behind her.

Lauren didn't mind the girl staying so close to her. After all, she had no idea anything was even wrong. The girls packed all their stuff up. Lauren helped Ivy throw the very few things she owned in with Lauren's stuff, Lauren wasn't about to let anything separate her and the girls. The stress was making her incredibly protective.

Camila and Lauren's family were waiting at the airport for the distressed girls. While they were figuring things out, they had decided to take in all the girls until things were figured out.

Lauren, Ivy, and Normani were going to stay at Lauren's house while Camila, Dinah, and Ally would be at her house. Luckily, they didn't live too far from each other.

The girls' parents were lighting up their phones with messages that everything would be ok until they finally met in the lobby of the airport. Camila broke down in her mother's arms and started to cry.

They had to move on. They all did. So they all picked themselves back up and headed out to their designated cars. Ivy followed Lauren closely. She didn't want to be a burden, so she knew she had to come up with some way to be useful to the others.

She was well in her own thoughts as she let herself be helped into the car by Lauren. The older girl looked at Ivy as she climbed into the middle seat so that Normani could get in after her.

The entire journey Mani, Lauren, and her parents talked. But Ivy sat and stared out of the window silently. What would happen to her now? Her staying with the group was shaky enough. Should she just leave?

Lauren touched her shoulder, breaking the girls' ever spiralling thoughts.

"You ok?"

Ivy just nodded, she couldn't bring herself to speak, she didn't even know what to say. Lauren understood. This was a lot of chaos, which the 5 girls were more used to than their newest member, but she was already in a vulnerable state.

Lauren decided to give Ivy a little space, and soon she was drifting off to sleep on her shoulder. The girl looked so peaceful, and Normani gave Lauren a sweet look, quickly snapping a photo of the cute moment.

Soon, they were at Lauren's house. She elected to leave Mani in the car with Ivy, who was still asleep, so she wouldn't panic if she woke up while her and her parents were moving everything into her house.

Lauren quickly pulled her parents aside, addressing them together.

"You already know Mani, but Ivy is really, really shy. Can I take her in and up to my room, and then we can  come down, and I'll introduce you to her?"

Mike and Clara both nodded at Lauren. They trusted their girls' judgement, so if she thought that this was the best way to go about things, then it was probably the best way to do it.

Ivy was still soundly asleep in the car when Lauren got back with Normani, looking at her phone concerned. When Lauren asked what was wrong, Mani just sighed and shut her phone off. Lauren guessed it was something personal and not her place to snoop, so she left it alone.

It was quite easy to pick Ivy up out of the car and rest the girls head on Lauren's shoulder. She carried the girl all the way up to her room and shut the door behind her before she started to mumble incoherently.

Gently, Lauren lowered Ivy onto her bed, loving brushing her hair that had gotten everywhere out of her face. When she finally woke up, the first question Ivy asked was where she was. Lauren chuckled at how cute it was.

"My room silly. I brought you up here so that you wouldn't be too stressed out meeting my parents. "

Ivy started to fidget. She didn't have too good experience with her own parents, and if Lauren's were anything like hers, then she-

"Stop thinking like that, I promise they're nice. They are really accepting."

Ivy looked up at Lauren, unsure. She hadn't ever lied to her so far, so why shouldn't she trust her. She did trust her. But that only made her slightly less nervous. After a few minutes of closeness with Lauren, Ivy finally decided that she had built up enough courage to meet Lauren's parents.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait, I got hit with really bad writers block, and I'm trying to do better. I'm always grateful for your comments and suggestions. It motivates me to keep going! Thanks, and love you all.

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