Ivy was feeling restless and started fidgeting with her fingers again, not noticing that she was hurting them. She felt a hand cover hers and stopped fidgeting to see Lauren, smiling down at her.

"You'll hurt yourself if you keep doing that. Come on, let's go for a quick walk,"

Even though their show was starting soon, Lauren would rather spend the time with Ivy than relax. She helped Ivy up off the bean bag she was sitting on during Lauren's makeup, and they kept holding hands as they walked.

A group of teenagers spotted the two girls. How they had gotten to this part of the building Lauren had no idea, but they looked hyper, and not the good kind. They first looked at Lauren, recognising her before looking at Ivy.

"Hey look its a-"

Lauren covered Ivy's ears, she couodnt hear the rest of what he said, but she could read his lips. The tears started to fall even when she tried to hold them back. Lauren stormed up to the teens, holding Ivy behind her before shouting something at them, Ivy was too distressed to register what it was, but they looked terrified and ran off.

She felt herself being wrapped up in Lauren's loving arms. But inside, there was nothing. She knew how the outside world saw her. The tears just kept coming and coming. The noise had attracted the rest of the group, who all joined in the hug around Ivy. When her cries had gone down to just small breaths, they separated. It was almost time for the girls to perform, so they made their way backstage.

"You'll be ok back here hun, it's safe, and we are just out there." Ally made sure she was comfortable, wrapping her in Camilas blanket as she came over.

"Here," Camila slipped something small out of her pocket before flipping it open and turning the device on. "It's a DS, I really like Mario, so that's the game that's in it at the moment, but there's some minigames in the menu if you want."

"Thanks, Camz." Ivy felt like crying again. The girls were all so nice to her and she didn't the she deserved it.

The game had her attention as soon as Camila had given it to her. Lauren looked at her but couldn't figure out what she was thinking. It's like she was all the way back to square one. The mask of Big Ivy was back on, and she hoped that she would be able to break through it when the performance was finished. For the moment, she just smiled, watching the girl play her game.


The girls were all tired after their performance. It was one of the last ones of their tour, so things were starting to wind down, but it still took everything out of them every time. As soon as they came backstage, Ivy closed the DS that had kept her attention the whole time. She was noticeable more calm, 4 worlds through, and many minigames had taken her mind off her problems. The girls gathered their things, and Lauren came over to Ivy holding her close as they made their way back to the tour bus.

Lauren never wanted to let Ivy go. She wanted to protect her forever. Bit when they got back to the bus, she sat slightly away from the girls and was very quiet.

"Hey, I have an idea... Why don't we make a video introducing Ivy on our YouTube?"

Dinahs idea was good, that way they could show everyone that they wouldn't take any abuse towards their new friend.

Ivy shyly nodded her head. She didn't particularly like the idea of going ok camera. If people were going to stop being mean to her, then it would be worth it.


Ivy fidgeted as she watched the number go up on the screen. Less than an hour ago, they had posted her introduction video, and it had over 10 thousand views.

Lauren saw the girls worry and pulled her next to her to cuddle while showing her the youtube management app.

"Look, honey, not everyone is mean. Most people are really nice it's just the mean people are really loud, that's all. "

Lauren scrolled through comments on the video. Most were incredibly supportive and cute comments. A small smile crept onto Ivys' face as she read people's nice words.

The door to the lounge opened, and Ally popped her head in looking very concerned.

"Laur, we need you."

"OK Ally, wait here for me, Ivy OK?"

Lauren opened a game on her phone, passing it to Ivy as she followed Ally out into the back lounge. The rest of the girls were there with a mix of concern and fear on their faces. This couldn't be good.

She saw their shared work phone open on the table and walked forward to read the screen. She was almost shaking with anger when she had finished reading.

Fifth Harmony

We have recently been made aware of a video you posted to your YouTube channel containing the person you were asked not to associate with. This video is to be removed, and you are to cease all contact with this person. Should you not comply with this, your contracts will be relooked.


"What do we do?" Camila sat in the corner with her legs pulled up into her chest nervously chewing her bottom lip.

"We'll just have to face whatever happens." Everyone looked at Ally. She was usually the most sensible of them, so for her to suggest something so radical was surprising.

"Losing contact with her isn't an option. We've all grown to love her, and I haven't seen Laur that happy in a long time. "

Everyone silently agreed as Mani shut the phone, slipping it back into her pocket.

"We should contact our families, see if they can give us some kind of safety net if anything drastic happens."

Dinah nodded and started typing on her phone immediately. "I'm sure if we all work together, we'll be fine,"

The rest of the girls worked on sending messages out to their most trusted family. More confident now that they had a solid plan they all embraced in a messy group hug.

A/N: Thanks all for sticking with this so far. How are you liking the story? Remember to vote and comment as it's what's keeping me writing. Love you all.

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