JK:"what the........mom"

J/m:"yeah mom and what are u doing here huh"

JK:"I have to finish working on this file"

J/m:"seriously Jungkook who works on their first day of marriage. I saw people taking leave just to spend time with there wife and here u are"

JK:"mom it's not like that. Y/n is sleeping so I decided to do my work in the meantime"

J/m:"how can u leave her side after what happened last night"

JK:"it wasn't anything serious. She is fine"

J/m:"u are unbelievable" she said and stormed out from his office while Jungkook just went back on his work as if nothing happened


U felt someone caressing ur head lovingly as u slowly opened ur eyes to see Mrs Jeon smiling at u

U immediately jumped up.

Y/n:"aunt when did u came sorry I....."

J/m:"aish why are u apologizing and from now on call me mom ok dear"

Y/n:"oh yeah sorry mom I forgot"

J/m:"it's ok dear. I know everything happened so fast but don't worry everything will be fine hmm"

She said while u smiled at her "anyway the main reason why I came here was because I heard what happened last night......" She couldn't complete her words as u started speaking

Y/n:"mom I am really sorry I promise it won't happen again"

J/m:"aiee aiee calm down my daughter why are u panicking"

Y/n:"I thought u gonna scold me too" u pout and looked down as u got remembered about mornings incident

J/m:"of course not sweetie why would I scold u" she sighed before again speaking "I know it was ur fault too but I can also understand ur point of view too dear I won't say it's totally normal but kids at ur age do more than this things anyway let's not go there hmm also what u mean by u too"

Y/n:"ur son scold me this morning for it"

J/m:"what that assh......" She somehow stopped herself from cursing her own son in front of u "he scolded u?" She asked with wide eyes just than the door opened revealing Jungkook

He came inside talking on his phone not really looking at his surroundings while u both ladies just looked at his each moves and another satanic intelligence striked in ur satanic mind.

Just as Jungkook finished his call Mrs Jeon started spea.....sorry yelling at her son before he could even turn to them.

J/m:"yah u brat how dare u scold ur wife with whom u just got married last night and oh my I can't believe Jungkook how can u even scold such cute and sweet lil girl"

Jungkook just looked between u too for a moment before sending a glare at u which says "I will see u later" his glare sends shivers in ur whole body but obviously u had to take revenge so before Jungkook could even open his mouth u started ur acting.

Y/n:"mom look at him look how he is glaring at me" u faked cry

J/m:"yah how dare u look at my daughter like that" she side hugged u "tell me my daughter whatever he said tell me everything I will beat his ass for u"

She glared at Jungkook while u smirked and stick out ur tounge at him. Both u and Jungkook kept on glaring at each other while Mrs Jeon was glaring at her son. The glaring session didn't stopped until Mrs Jeon again looked u while u immediately changed ur expression continuing ur drama

U told her each and everything about this morning and of course Jungkook got a good scolding from his mom but couldn't do anything cause after all it was his mom. He was just waiting for her to leave and get at u.

Y/n:"and u know mom he also forced me too have those disgusting yucky green and gross veggies" u ended ur speech with a fake sniff which melted her heart.

J/m:"but it's good for ur health dear so I won't scold him for that" she said making u pout but her next statement made ur heart race and Jungkook smirk

"ok now stop sulking and I should probably go it's been long, Jungkook tell the driver to be ready I am coming"

Y/n:"w-where are u going m-mom"

J/m:"home why what happened dear?"

Y/n:"but why aren't u gonna stay with us?"

J/m:"no dear this mansion is a gift from us for ur weeding and from now on u and Jungkook will be staying here only while me and J/k's dad while be staying at our mansion oh I forgot u haven't even visited our that mansion yet. Jungkook make sure u take her there"

JK:"of course mom" u looked at him while he was deadly staring at u as the smirk never left probably knowing ur condition right now

Y/n:"but this place is enough for all of us than why u and dad have to live separately also......"

J/m:"aish it's not that sweetie u are newly married now and no matter what u guys still need some privacy right" u immediately shook ur head holding her hand

Until now u were having so much fun cause u thought that JK'S parents will be living here but now that u know the actual situation u didn't wanted her to leave because u clearly know what would happen with u once she leaves from here.

U were badly regretting ur decision to make Mrs Jeon scold him and now u got trapped in ur own trap and worst that now u can't even get out from here. Even after a lot pleading Mrs Jeon left smiling while looking at it face which was begging her to stay.

She thought u were missing ur parents that's why u were behaving like but she didn't knew the actual reason behind it and obviously u couldn't let her show ur true expression and thanks to u being a drama queen she didn't got to know about it.

JK:"let's go mom I will drop u out"

Y/n:"NO... uhh I mean u can stay here I will drop her out"

J/m:"aish no need for that dear u take rest ok Jungkook will drop me out"

She said and both of them made their way outside closing the door behind as u sat there not knowing what to do just praying not to face that devil again



MR PERFECT'S BABY WIFE [ BTS JEON JUNGKOOK (JK) FF ] (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now