Chapter 39. Flames Out

Start from the beginning

"Any place is good except for here. I don't want to be here any moment longer. I have business I gotta attend." I told him, "Come with me if you want Yusuke, actually please do. I don't want to talk to my other-self, that old [Y/N] is such an annoyance, feeling emotions are disgusting. Mega ew."

"What the..." Spinner gasped as he came in with Mr. Compress.

"Is that—"

The others nodded at Mr. Compress's question.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Aw come on, I'm not that different. I think I look pretty hot now."

"You look different that's for sure..."

"Oi what's the noise about?" asked Dabi as he strolled into the room. "What the fuck. [Y/N]?" he sighed, "I know you're upset but was dying your hair necessary?"

"She didn't dye it." Yusuke told him.

"Oh shit." I snapped my fingers, "I need to put on my villain costume."

"Your what now?" Twice tilted his head confused.

I hurried back to change and I began hearing Dabi shout at the others demanding an explanation when suddenly I heard him

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I hurried back to change and I began hearing Dabi shout at the others demanding an explanation when suddenly I heard him...

"What do you mean she's woken up with different hair and her wings are—"

"It's none of your concern, Shigaraki." I stepped into the room with an angry expression.

His crimson eyes widened as he saw me. I was getting tired of seeing everyone with similar expressions. It's annoying, I'm still me so what's the whole fuss about?

"What's this?" he asked me.

I silently glared at him.

"[Y/N] I'm being serious, what's wrong with you? First the hair and eye color changed, your personality change, now this?"

"Move, I don't want to talk or see you." I told him making everyone stay silent. I continued, "I also don't have anything to hear from you, in fact I don't want you talking to me ever. I'm only here to serve All for One and that's all."

I slipped past him but he grabbed my arm. Almost like on instinct I turned the tables around and I grabbed him and slammed him against the wall. I placed my hand on his neck and cynically smirked at him.

"I'm not the same weak girl you toyed around with. So don't mess with me. Don't you dare touch me."

His eyes were frozen as well as for everyone else's.

"[Y/N]!" Toga exclaimed, "You're going to make Tomura mad, you should let go!"

"Yeah!" Twice agreed, "Value your life, you're gonna die. Bye, nice knowing you. No! Don't die!"

I snorted, "I'd like to see him try and end me."

"Oi [Y/N], I know you're mad at him, but this isn't the way to solve—" Dabi was saying but I interrupted him.

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