Chapter 24: Changing Perspective

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"Oh ok! Congratulations," he said getting up to leave.

"I wanted to tell you this earlier but..." she tried to say. She does not know why but she felt guilty for hiding this from him.

"It's fine, Teena. Have a great life ahead," he smiled and left.

She felt like crying. She has grown fond of Anuj in the past few days. Maybe she does not deserve any good person in her life. She only deserves people like Ansh and she has to accept it sooner or later.


"Ansh is in Varanasi for a few days. He wants me to stay in his bungalow till he is here," Teena told Tanu and Aaradhya. She felt like she has to inform them before shifting.

"And? You are not going to shift, right?" Tanu asked.

"My parents also called. They said that...." she started explaining.

"So you are shifting," stated Aaradhya.

"Tell him your exams are coming in less than a month. You need to study and.." Tanu suggested.

"I did. He asked me to come for the weekend and I cannot refuse it. So I am going there for the weekend," Teena explained.

"You can trust him, right?" asked Aaradhya.

"You called him an asshole. Why? What did he do?" Tanu asked.

"He.. He asked me to have sex with him when I was in 12th standard. I refused. He was so mad. He always got what he wanted. That's why he asked for my hand in marriage. To satisfy his ego," Teena said looking at the floor. She was ashamed to tell them this even if it was not her fault.

"That son of a bitch! And you are going to stay with him alone in his bungalow? Are you out of your mind?" Tanu said unbelievably.

"He will not try anything. He promised me that when I was hesitant to shift," Teena said.

"And you believe him? What if he tries to do something, Teena? You cannot stop him. You are not physically stronger than him," Aaradhya tried to make her understand.

"I'll take care of myself. I promise. I told you this so you both don't go on searching for me during the weekends," Teena said.

"I have to go now. Bye," she continued and left, leaving the other two sitting there.

"This is enough. Call Abhi, Anuj and Dev. we have to tell them. We have to find a way out of this," Tanu said. It was not right to discuss Teena's personal life with their friends and that too in her absence. But there was no option left.

"I think that is the only option left. We would need their help. My mind is not working at all," said Aaradhya taking out her phone.

After fifteen minutes, All five of them were sitting on the campus ground. Tanu and Aaradhya told them everything that Teena had told them.

"And you are telling us this today," accused Abhi.

"That bastard. He is going to die from my hands," said Anuj angrily.

"She can't risk living with him alone. We have to stop her," said Dev.

"It's impossible to convince her," said Aaradhya.

"I don't have the word impossible in my dictionary, " said Tanu confidently.

"Then buy a new one. No wonder you are so weak with your vocabulary. It's all the fault of the cheap dictionary you have," came the same voice she feels irritated with.

"Excuse me?" Tanu said looking at him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" asked Abhi angrily getting up.

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