Chapter 11: Many Months Later

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Thank you to @tommyinnitSMP2009  and @BendyInksack for the idea.

Time skip to when the child has just been born cause I was lazy and liked this idea.

Now... on with the story (after, like 4 months, oops, sorry)

POV - Tommy

Date: 15/04/2029 (The 15th of April 2029) 6:00 am

I was bottle-feeding Luna so that Olivia could sleep. She's been waking up at all times of the night but is an angel otherwise. She's been here for only 4 days and is the most precious thing in the world. Clem and Shroud adore her and are excited that they're both older siblings. I remember being so shocked when Liv told me the news, but it quickly turned to happiness. We told the kids a month later, and then the kingdom after Liv started showing signs. 

My family all had different opinions, though. Tubbo and Ranboo were in denial but came around. Michael was just excited to have a new playmate. Puffy and Sam were both very happy for us and were excited to be grandparents, along with being ready to spoil the child like they'd done with Shroud and Clem. Will, Phil and Techno were pissed, saying I was too young, scolding me for having a child and for not being careful. I blew off them, and there was a lot of fighting, but soon enough, Techno and Phil came around, wanting to be in the child's life. Wilbur has been very angry for reasons I don't know but has also recently been quiet. I still don't trust him that much, so I will continue keeping an eye on him. 

Once I finished feeding Luna, I put her back to bed, rocked her to sleep, and then went down to the gardens. I've been working a lot more lately while looking after Luna and the other kids and have been helping out in the village, so I haven't had much time for Oliva and me, so I've decided to bring her breakfast in bed along with flowers. I pick a bunch of dandelions and make my way to the kitchen. No one is up now, so I make bacon and eggs on toast with hashbrowns and a glass of orange juice. When I return to the room, it's 7:30, and I see Olivia playing with Luna on the floor. Seeing them bonding and having fun with each other warms my heart. I place down the breakfast I made for Liv and sit beside them.  

I kiss Liv on the cheek, then tell her to eat. She grabs the tray and goes to sit on the bed. While she eats, we talk about many things, like what we're doing today, any issues that have happened in our kingdom, how Shroud and Clem have been and my concerns about Wilbur. 

"He was so against having Luna but has been quiet lately. I can't get it out of my head that something bad will happen. He always wanted me to return to the SMP, and I don't know how to feel about it. Liv, I'm scared. I don't want to lose what we have and have made," I stress. 

"Tom, I understand your concerns, and I also think Wilbur can't be trusted, but we can't live in fear, and no matter what, we will protect Luna from anyone who tries to harm her," She replies calmly.

She is the only one who can calm me down when stressed. I nod my head agreeing with her, and we go back to talking about anything when Clem and Shroud come rushing in to join us and play with Luna. I take this opportunity to escape and prepare for the day, as it is now 8:45, and I have to go down to town for my daily check-up. 

While going downstairs, I'm met with Phil, Techno and Will waiting for me at the entrance. When I reach them, they look at me as if they want to say something.

"What are you all doing here? Do you need something?" I ask. As I've grown, I've stopped swearing as much, mostly because Dream would punish me when I did it in exile but also because I now have kids. Phil is the one to speak up and say ...

"We wondered if you wanted to spend some family time with us. We haven't seen you as much lately because of your work and wanna spend time with you."

"Well, I'm about to do my rounds around the kingdom. You can join me now if you want," I suggest, not so willingly, but of course, they say yes, and we make our way to the sables.

When we return, it's 1:00 pm, and we head to lunch. Wilbur has been quiet, while the others have been vocal about spending more time together. We go to the dining room to meet the rest of the family. Clem talks about the flowers she picked in our garden, and Shroud goes on and on about his new book. Tubbo and Ranboo had been with them in the garden, looking after the pair while letting Michael play with them. Puffy was helping the maids around the castle and spending time with Sam, as they'd gotten very close over the past year. 

Sam has been busy helping advance the kingdom with his advanced Redstone knowledge with the help of Tubbo, who has taken an interest in it and is a quick learner. Ranboo's enderwalking has been happening a lot more, which has Tubbo concerned, and he has stopped work to try and help Ranboo by reading everything he can about enderwalking and just trying to find out the part of Ranboo. 

Techno and Phil have been helping the kingdom guards train harder, along with helping them improve their skills. I've noticed Techno watching me whenever I'm training but never moving or saying anything, and I've also noticed that Phil has been getting close to all the kids, both my own and kids in the villages. Techno and Phl also spend a lot of time in the library in the evenings reading or quietly chatting as they drink tea and enjoy the company they bring each other. 

On the other hand, Wilbur hasn't been around a lot and is just not around, but when he is, it's always around the children, which worries me. Seeing this fills me with worry; what if he's trying to take them? What if he wants to use them against me, or what if he's trying to get them to trust him and then hurt them like he did to me? 

All these thoughts, along with being king, having a newborn, having an overtired wife and being overtired myself, have put a lot more pressure on my back and have made things much more tiring, but I know it'll be worth it in the end. 

Once lunch is finished, I make my way to my office, put on music using the jukebox and music discs, which were gifted to me on my birthday from Clem and Shroud, and start doing paperwork. While working, both Clem and Shroud come in at some point to either ask a question or to say and keep me company while either reading something or drawing/colouring in a book. 

Once I finished with work it was past dinner which means I missed it. I make my way down to the kitchen and serve myself food from what was left over. Once finished I make my way up to Shroud's room to see he was already asleep, so I pull his blackets up to tuck him in and kiss him on the forehead and leave to do the same to Clementine.

I finally finish my rounds and make my way to my room to see Liv in be but also...

I let out a loud scream...

an empty crib...

with no Luna.

Plz actually read this:

Hallo fellow peoplz of the internet, Happy Holidays! 

Sorry for the lack of uploads. Life is busy, and I didn't expect to need to do stuff this holidays. I appreciate your patience, and thank you for reading and all the votes. 

If you have any suggestions on what I should write, please put them in the comments. I put up messages on my profile. If you see them, please respond to them so I know you see them, and I would love to hear your advice.

I'm also thinking of finishing this book soon to focus on others. So, suppose you can give me suggestions on how you want this book to end. In that case, I will consider all suggestions and might make a sequel when I have more time and motivation. After finishing this book, I plan to finish my Las Navadas book and start a one-shot book, as I think those books will be easier to write. I also plan on writing fan fics from other fandoms, so I hope you enjoy them.

I hope to try and write more often, but I'm starting a new school along with starting work.

Till next time,


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