Chapter 5: Wedding Planning

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POV - Tommy

Date: 02/06/2028 (The 2th of June 2028)

Shroud, Clementine, Olivia and I are sitting at the dinner table. We're discussing Shoud's new training lessons and how Clementine's classes are going. Shroud is now 11, Clementine is now 8, and Olivia is now 20, the same age I am. Then the topic of our wedding comes up. 

Olivia and I are both very excited and will be married in two days. For the past couple of months, we've been planning the wedding. The theme will be royal red and white to match the colours of our kingdom. My best man will be my royal advisor, Leo. Olivia's bridesmaids will be her sisters and her best friend, Rachel. Her mum is walking her down the aisle. 

The bridesmaid's dress will be a light pink as it is a mix of red and white. My suit will be a dark red tuxedo and black pants, with Leo's being a fancy black suit with a red tie. I'm not allowed to see Olivia's dress, but I know it'll be lovely whatever she wears. She's also making it herself with her mum as she knows how to sew. Clementine will be the flower girl and wear a pink dress with her walking up with Shroud as the ring bearer, and he'll wear a white shirt with black pants. Olivia's bokay of flowers will be white orchids, daisies, and roses. 

Many types of food will be made for the wedding as the whole kingdom will be there and some people can only eat certain things, like rabbit hybrids can't eat meat and parrot hybrids can't eat chocolate. So we're making sure that everyone can eat something. For example, the wedding cake will be a large 5-tiered cake so everyone can have a piece. It's vanilla, but I would've preferred chocolate everyone needs to be able to eat it, and for those who can't eat cake, we have cookies for them. 

We will eat in our ballroom and have tables surrounding the centre stage where there will be dancing. I will be playing a song I've been writing for Olivia. The tables will seat 10 people and will have a red tablecloth over each. At the table where Olivia and I will be sitting, Clementine and Shroud will be sitting by my side, along with Leo. Olivia will be sitting on my other side with her family. 

Tomorrow will be our final preparations for the wedding before the day. Olivia will be sworn in as Queen of The Reawakened Kingdom on the same day. Her official crown has already been made, along with a few tiaras that have also been made. I've ensured that Olivia will never have to do any paperwork when she is Queen and that I'll be taking care of any work, so she doesn't have the stress of it, but still, being the Queen, she'll have to go to formal meetings. She still gets to run her bakery and can go down and work and bake things. 

Finally, the day of our special day will come soon. Olivia and I are very excited, and the kids can't wait for Olivia to be their mum. The kingdom is excited to have a Queen. Everything will be perfect. 

For now...

(I just realised I didn't give the kingdom a name it's now called The Reawakened Kingdom!)

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