Chapter 4: A Special Someone

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POV - Tommy

Date: 13/03/2023 (The 13th of March 2023)

It's been around a month since I was crowned king, and I have been having a blast. Shroud and Clementine have been amazing, and the kingdom adores them. For the past month, I've taught many to fight, build, farm, and do so. My kingdom is partially surrounded by water, and many streams go through it, so I ensured that everyone could swim and, if they couldn't touch water like Enderians or Netherans, have special armour to protect their skin. 

I'm walking around a smaller district in my kingdom when I come across a small bakery. I walk in and see a young girl around my age. She has long chocolate brown hair tied into a ponytail with a bow holding it together. She has fine pale skin and many freckles. I also see a singular yellow gemstone just above the paring of her eyebrows, which only witch hybrids are born with. Her eyes are as green as a forest. She wears a red sweater which is a little too big, black jeans and black heel boots. She wears a couple of rings and has a few ear gold piercings. When I say she looks like a goddess, I mean it. She notices me and comes straight up to me. 

"My King, how may I help you today," She asks, sounding nervous whilst bowing.

"There's no need to bow, and it's just Tommy. I was wondering if I could buy a couple of things if that's all good", I reply, trying to keep her calm.

"Certainly, My Ki... I mean Tommy, just here, call me when you've picked out what you'd like. My name is Olivia, by the way," she concludes while showing me what they have, then hurried back to the back of the shop. 

I look around the display shelves and spot my favourite dessert, a vanilla slice. Then, I decide on jam-filled doughnuts for Shroud and Clem. Finally, I go up to the front counter and press the bell, and Olivia comes out and sees me waiting. 

"Have you made your choice, sir," she asks more confidently.

'Yeh, I have. Can I have a vanilla slice and two jam-filled doughnuts, and what would you suggest?" I ask

"Of course, you can, and my suggestion would be... the double chocolate chip cookies," she concludes.

"I'll have half a dozen of them then. Also, when do you get off? I'd love to get to know you more," I ask, trying to keep the nerves down.

I like this girl; she seems nice, polite, and very pretty. 

"I finish at 5:30. I'd love to get to know you. Also, the total is $19.50," she says

I pay up and say, "Meet me at the library down the road at 4 and thank you, it's been very nice meeting you, and I'll see you soon,"

"See you at 4, Tommy," she says, giving me a wave and smiling.

Her smile was beautiful. 

At 4 PM:

POV - Tommy

I'm waiting outside a library that I love. Contrary to popular belief, I love reading. It's a way to escape the world we're trapped in and have an adventure. So I went home at 1:30, taught Shroud more fencing moves and helped Clemintine get used to moving her wings so she could fly when she was older. I also gave them their doughnut, and I ate my slice. I then played with them a bit more until 3:30, when I told them I had to leave, they were upset, but I promised to read or tell them as many stories as they wanted when I returned. They seemed to like this deal, and they both went to Clementine's room to play with dolls as I got ready for some casual wear but still a little formal. I wore black combat boots, a dark red shirt, and simple black jeans. I said goodbye to my children and ensured that my most trusted guards, Elenore and Simon, kept an eye on them. I arrived a few minutes before I had to be there and waited. Olivia got here on the dot, wearing a dark green dress with the shoulders black. She had a black bag and small heels. Her hair was let down but pushed out of her face because she wore a headband. Saying she looked perfect was an understatement. I felt my cheeks going red but calmed down as I tried looking away. I knew right then I had just fallen for her, and I hadn't even fully met her yet. 

"Hi Olivia, you look lovely," I say, trying to sound calm

"Thank you, Tommy. Where would you like to go?" she asks, looking away with a slight blush.

"Why don't we walk around and find somewhere to eat, and we can chat there and get to know one another," I suggest

She agrees, and we walk around. We talked about her work, and I learnt that she only has her mother and 2 sisters who were not in town today. She's the middle child but gets along with her siblings and helps her mother as much as possible. Her bakery is her own business, and her family try to come around and help as much as possible. Her oldest sister's name is Beatrix, and she is 23. Her younger sister's name is Lucinda she's 17. Her mothers' name is Helena she is 48. Sadly her father died in a war two years ago at 46. They had just escaped with their lives. Her mother is a seamstress, and her younger sister helps her since she's only 17. Beatrix works as a night shift guard, so they rarely see her. 

We're walking down a road when I spot a flower shop. I ask her to wait outside while I buy her a white amaryllis. I give it to her, which she accepts gratefully. We walk a while longer until we reach a forest path with a way to a pond. Not many people know about it, but I found it ages ago and led her to it intentionally because I knew it looked nice. 

We sit down and chat. I talk about Shroud and Clementine, how it is to be king, things I like and many other things. We also discuss her until she asks why and how I started the kingdom. Then, I let everything out, my past, my exile, my family. These are things not even Shroud and Clementine know about, mainly because I don't want them to know what I went through at such a young age, but still, all everyone knew about my past was that I was alone and wanted to help others for reasons unknown. But with Olivia, I can feel like I can tell her anything. By the end, she's nearly in tears, and I'm hardly holding them back. She then hugs me, and they fall. Years of sadness, anger and pain come out. Once I calm down, I apologise, and we talk more. We talked until the sun started setting. Then, seeing as it was getting late, we watched the sunset. I talked her home and did something I never expected when I got her home. I KISSED HER! And she didn't pull back. Once we stop, I say goodnight, and she does too. To say I was happy was an understatement. I was over the moon!

"I'd like to do this again, Tommy," Olivia says.

"I'd like too to. What about this Sunday, the lake?" I ask 

"That would be amazing, sleep well Tommy," She says as she goes into her house

She then shuts the door, and I say softly... 

"I did, too, sleep well Olivia," 

For the next month, we went on dates just like the last until one date I asked her to be my girlfriend and was over the moon when she accepted. She then met Clementine and Shroud, and they loved her. After that, she hired many employees to work at her bakery and moved in with me after 6 months of dating. She still works at the bakery 3 out of 7 days. We spend a lot of time together and keep in contact with each other when not together. I've met her mother and sisters; they are all lovely people. Life for me could never be better. Especially when, after 5 years of serious dating, I asked her to marry her. It was at the same lake as our first date on a picnic. We are engaged, the kids are very excited, and the kingdom is overjoyed at the news. They congratulated us whenever we were out. To say I was happy was nothing compared to how I was feeling. We now have a wedding to plan and a kingdom to rule together with 2 amazing kids and maybe more to come, but life is amazing, and I couldn't wait, and now nothing can get between me and my happiness.


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