Episode 24: The Last Stand

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Underground Court's base

The wolf man saw Alan Sylvasta and he would be the one to allow the assault to commence on his order, but he and the tanuki girl would need to wait until Alan was directly under them.

With everyone in place, Michiru and Shirou waited for the perfect moment to strike. Eventually, Alan was directly underneath them from the skylight, and the wolf man called the assault to commence.

The Beastmen soldiers started to fire on the Beastmen hunter guards outside, causing the hunters inside to drop what they were doing and rush outside to help. The wolf man morphed into his beast form while the tanuki girl morphed into her gorila arms and crashed though the skylight, making glass fall and shatter on top of everyone who was unfortunately within It's path. Sylvasta transformed into his golden Cerberus form and roared with anger, making Shirou and Michiru to do the same and transform into their respective Ginrou forms.

Alan: Well, well, if it isn't the Silver Wolf and the Silver Tanuki. I guess you know my plan, right?

Michiru: Damn right you are, Sekhem!

Shirou: I spared you once and it turned out to be a mistake! This ends tonight, Raymond!

Michiru: Shirou spared you because of me, but now I see that you'll never be the best Beastman you can be! In fact, you're just a human who became a Beastman out of revenge! Your new plan is disgusting, and it won't come to pass! You must be purged from this world to preserve humanity and Beastmankind!

Alan: You're all wrong. First I wanted to destroy just Beastmen because of what Anubis did to my kind, but then I saw as humans began to kill each other through their atrocities over the centuries instead of killing only Beastmen. So why not destroy them by unleashing my Robo-Beastmen to kill both species and then I kill the ones left myself once the dust cleans?!

Michiru/Shirou: You sadistic bastard!!!

The Silver Wolf fired a beam from his mouth at Alan whilst the Silver Tanuki charged at him and successfully pushed him to the floor, but she was then bit and kicked off of him. The golden Cerberus tried to fire a beam from his mouth at her but was shielded by Shirou, as once again the two rivals battle it out with their powers. The final battle has begun.

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The soldiers and the hunters were at even odds, and the firefight between the two groups only intensified as each side created barricades and stockades from the surrounding wooden pallets and shipping containers. Each side was using pistols, rifles and grenades. The fight was so intense that to describe it, was to imagine the deepest wastelands of hell. The carnage, the heat, the destruction, all of that was being seen whilst the fight within the factory continued. The battlefields of the soldiers and gods would be a battle of extraordinary circumstances; whoever wins this battle, it will go down in history as the battle that defines mankind and Beastmankind's future, just like old time with the Allies and the Axis.

Back in Anima City

Mayor Rose watched horrified as all the shooting and screaming brought back horrible memories of her childhood when she was in the Beastmen Camps owned by the Nazis in WWII. The battle was being watched from her office, and all she could see and hear were flashes of lights and a series of loud bangs.

Rose: May we prevail during these unprecedented times. I hope Shirou and Michiru are okay.

Back inside the factory

The battle between Alan and Shirou was still going, but for some reason the golden Cerberus wasn't getting tired, unlike the Silver Wolf who was struggling to keep up the fighting. Michiru then joined the battle by firing a beam from her mouth at him. As much as he wanted to, Shirou couldn't interfere: the Silver Tanuki was the only hope now.

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