Episode 15: The Outcomes

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*Play the opening*

With Nazuna

Once the fox girl returned to Marie's boat, she immediately headed towards the boat's bedroom. The mink woman went inside the bedroom, and saw Nazuna laying on the bed, an upset look on her face. Never before, had she seen her client so... defeated, brought down, and/or anything in between.

Marie: Nazuna, what happened?

Nazuna: I don't wanna talk about it, Marie. Can you please hold me?

The mink woman's heart ached slightly at the sight. She replied gently: "...of course, my little fox." as she sat on the bed. Marie wrapped one arm around the fox girl's slim waist and cradled her head with the other, pressing the idol's body against her.

Nazuna shuddered, a single sob escaping her lips. Burning tears brimmed beneath her crimson eyes. Gently raising the fox girl's head to make her look at Marie, the mink woman murmured: "It's okay, I'm here.".

And just those kind, simple words were enough: the dam broke, and tears poured freely from crimson eyes. Burning teardrops wet Marie's sweater. The mink woman rubbed small, comforting circles into Nazuna's back while whispering soothingly: "It's okay, just let it all out.". The fox girl cried in a high-pitched whimper, with shudder after sobbing shudder. Then the sobs trailed off, leaving the idol gasping for breath, only for the sobs to start all over again.

Eventually, the tears slowed down, then stopped altogether, leaving Nazuna breathing shakily. The fox girl awkwardly released the mink woman's tear-soaked sweater. Marie kindly asked: "Feel any better?". Nazuna sniffled, then nodded belatedly, refusing to meet her manager's emerald eyes.

Nazuna: When I visited my parents, my father called Anima City a "freaky city" because of my situation with the haters, and my mother supported him by saying that my beast form is uncanny, which makes her feel uncomfortable. When I expressed my discomfort about it, she then asked how Michiru was doing just because I mentioned her during my argument, even calling her clingy just because she used to stick with me a lot during our time at school due to her caring for my wellbeing, as if she was a stalker who should be in an asylum for mentally-ill. After I told them everything I went through until now and called them out for the way they raised me, which is the reason I was easily manipulated into doing what I did in the first place, they had a private talk and, once they got back, they told me it was too late for them to change their parenting style and that I should move out because I'm already 18, even implying that I'm sick because of my transformation. When I explained to them that it wasn't true due to Michiru's experience in Anima City and gave the opportunity to visit it, they refused.

After that, the fox girl's ears flopped down in sadness. After hearing all of this, Marie was livid. No parent had the right to treat their children this way. The same could be applied to said children's friends. The mink woman ran her fingers across that soft fur. Nazuna could feel her companion's weight on the mattress as she spoke: "If they ever talk to you like that or belittle Michiru again, let me know, and I'll make them both wish they were never born.".

Nazuna: You'll end up in jail if you kill them.

Marie: I don't care. No one has the right to treat my girl like that.

A sudden rush of heat struck both of their cheeks. The mink woman tried to correctfy herself: "My client! I meant...", but she couldn't finish.

The fox girl asked: "Did you?", suddenly energized by the slip of Marie's tongue. She then sat onto her side in the mattress. As the mink woman moved her hand away, Nazuna captured it and linked her fingers in between her manager's.

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