Chapter 50 Night 6

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The animatronic abomination started to attack, using its black tentacles to grab to anyone in the group as the band moved away just before the black tentacles could hit them, as the multiple heads with glowing purple eyes turned their attention to the security officer and the child.Gregory felt himself being pulled away as sounds of jingling bells, caught his attention as he looked to see Vanessa being pulled away thanks to Monty.As the multiple heads of the gigantic animatronic abomination started hissing as the purple eyes were glowing from the multiple heads, as it was still attacking as the tentacles started to smash everything on the floor.

As the amalgamation was throwing away all of the deactivated S.T.A.F.F bots as its tentacles continued to reach the group as its grab the electric guitar player with the tentacles and threw Chica directly at Roxy. Causing the bandmembers to land on each other, and on the floor of the labyrinth, as the multiple glowing purple eyes continued to look for anyone as the multiple heads started attacking.

As Freddy began punching some of the heads away, as Monty helped as well, including Vanessa, using a taser to get the heads away.Gregory couldn't process anything as he felt himself being taken away from the battle by his friends as this amalgamation reminded him of something very important, but he couldn't remember what it was because everything was happening to fast.

He couldn't understand it until something clicked in his head. It was a cryptic note that he got as he realize that the sword must be that strange usb with a golden bear head in the center.Gregory realized what he had to do as he needed to do it before this ends up getting more chaotic, because as he was seeing things.

It was pretty clear that the group wasn't going to last for much longer.He realize what he had to do as he told his friends to stop as he then realized that the rabbit was also being taken away along with him, as well as the sounds of first steps with jingling bell, stopped.Gregory felt himself being placed down as the rabbit was placed in another direction as he looked at his friends, as he knew exactly what to do as he started to explain what he was going too.

"Look I don't have time to explain, but I know how to stop that amalgamation. I just have to get close to that white bear head.Then this will all stop, but I need you and your brother to keep a close look on that rabbit so that she doesn't do anything suspicious. I need you and your brother to do that.Please let me do this, so that this nightmare can finally stop."

"Alright Starshine I trust you, and so does my brother. Don't worry about the rabbit. I'll keep a close supervision as well as my brother.You have to finish this nightmare once, and for all."

("It's dangerous, but Nightlight knows what he's doing. I'll keep a close supervision on that rabbit and so will you.But he has to go and put an end to this chaos.")

Gregory felt, adrenaline within his body, becoming faster as he started running towards the amalgamation as his heartbeat became faster, but he still continued on running.He manage to avoid the tentacles, and the multiple has glowing purple eyes from the amalgamation as the band, and Vanessa were doing the best as he noticed the white bear head as the purple eyes were glowing, trying to search for something.Gregory then grabbed the mysterious usb as he used the tentacles of the amalgamation to reach up to get to the white bear head, as well as the multiple heads as well.

He continue to avoid everything that the amalgamation was trying to do as it was preoccupied fighting off the rest of the band.Gregory then found himself close to the white bear head as it looked right at him with glowing purple eyes as it's hiss that him, and headed to him.He wasted no time as he lunged the usb into the white bear head mouth as he then pulled back as the amalgamation stopped moving.As the multiple eyes of the amalgamation soon change colour from purple to an oddly strange feeling of safety golden colour.

Within the amalgamation, a digital rabbit, was screaming as to what exactly is happening as his surroundings slowly faded away as everything because it pitch white to him.As everything soon cleared up for him, but when he looked around, he realize he was no longer in the pizzaplex as he was in some kind of elevator, as he looked to see the black and white checkered floor pattern below him.As there was old paint of the color, green and gray on the walls of the elevator, as there was wood inside of there as well with there being a button that was shaped like Freddy green coloured.

He had no idea what exactly was happening until he turned around to see a cartoon yellow bear with a purple tophat and bowtie.Looking right at him with green eyes, staring right back at him as the cartoon bear, then spoke out with a familiar voice that he had come to fear ever since he was burned alive in that pizzeria.

"It's my turn now."

Then everything around the rabbit started to fade away again as the familiar color, white started to cover his vision

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Then everything around the rabbit started to fade away again as the familiar color, white started to cover his vision. The only thing he could make out clearly was that cartoon bear as he couldn't move at all, as he saw himself evaporating away into nothingness. No matter how many times he tried he couldn't escape as he struggled, but he couldn't move. His entire form was fading away as that cartoon bear was the only thing they were made solid.

Simply looking at him, smiling as he was full of anger, but he couldn't do anything as his entire body was fading away. As he soon realize that he was being dragged back to that prison that he escaped from. As William couldn't do anything to stop this as he screamed out one last sentence before fading away.

"Ȋ̴̞͔̮̗́'̵̰̞̩͛̍̿͒ĺ̵̡͔ļ̸̳̗̥͍̍̈́ ̵̻͊̈͑̍̚c̶͉͒̓̋̇o̴͖̿̆̃͛m̷̲̰̳̗͖̈́̐̓͛͋ē̶̯̩̒̑̕ ̵̧̖̉̎͝b̵̪̙̄̂̏̂͝ȁ̵͖̟̝̠͛̿̓c̶͇̯̫̆͒̄̊̚ḱ̵̮͋̒.̵̧̦̩̱͊̃ ̶̤͛̋Ĩ̵͎̿ ̸͓̮͒͛͐̿͟ạ̸̫̠̮͋͗ḻ̸̗̃w̵͕̐a̷͇̠̰͓̘͆̅̂͌͝ý̸͙̖̝͒̀̌̔s̴͈͎̘̀͑ ̶̳̪̼͖͖́̒w̵̡̼̩͉̃̈̈̍͝ỉ̵̬̭̼̥̝̍l̸̢͓̪̒͑͟͡l̷̺͈̍̒ ̵͔͠C̸̟̃̉̔̓ã̴̠̃̾̓͝s̶̨̛̘͌̕ͅs̴̩̬̹͖͋̾ͅi̶̧̛̫̪̱̖̓͆d̶̦̗̗̮͋̊͐̔ý̵̖̲!̵͚̓͛̑́̉!̸̗͚̱͓͂́͡͝!̶̻͍̯̣́͒̆͡͡!̴̮̼́͂"

But the cartoon bear simply smiled as the rabbit soon faded away into nothingness, as it was pretty clear that William wasn't going to be back and he wasn't going to be coming back. As the cartoon bear soon began to fade away very slowly before speaking out a another sentence before disappearing completely.

"You're never coming back, William. You've lost. It's finally over. It's the happiest day."

As the strange influence that caused the lockdown and the gigantic establishment soon disappeared as the amalgamation fell on the floor. Everyone was safe and the nightmare was finally over the virus was gone.Vanny had been defeated, and William was never going to come back. He was gone forever.As he was never going to escape from the prison ever again. The nightmare was finally over. Everybody was now safe.As the missing children. They had vanish hat were able to rest peacefully now, as they were no longer trapped by him everything was finally over. The chaos was finally gone. Mr. Afton was never coming back again. It was over. For real this time.

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