Chapter 33 Strange dream 

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Gregory soon open his eyes as his surroundings were still fuzzy, took him a while to regain his senses. Everything was so fuzzy he can't remember what happened.Then he stumbled out of the bed that he was in and he fell on the floor, but this material that he was on his different. It was soft, that's for sure, but it felt softer not to mention it felt brand new.He finally manage to get his version had completely cleared up as he realize that he was on a red velvet carpet that was very long as it seem to stretch out into the unknown.

Gregory looked to around his new surroundings, realizing that he wasn't in the Superstar daycare anymore, but he wasn't said inside of a castle, where there was each a fire that provided light.As the flames had a golden colour to it, lighting up the room and the hallways that he was in including how the castle walls look different as well, he always noticed the soft squishy cartoon like version of castles, and he was in the daycare.

He looked at the bricks that made up this castle wall, as it looks much more realistic to him as he was confused as to how he even got here to begin with.Gregory had no idea how he even got here as he was confused, and he did not know what to do in the situation that he was in.He didn't have any idea as to how he even got here as he listen to the sounds of thunder and rain came from outside as he didn't know what to do as he was in a completely new area that he was unfamiliar with.Gregory had decided to explore this new place that he was in so that he can figure out how to escape and get some answers.

(" Where am I and how do I even get in here? I'm pretty sure it's a castle. But it looks different from the one I'm used to.But I'm not going to stay here as I need to figure out what exactly is going on.I don't even know how I got in here to begin with not to mention that the flames that are the only light here have a strange golden colour to it. I'll figure it out later but for now I need to figure out a way out.")

Gregory continued on walking as he noticed the hallway that he was entering illuminated with the same golden coloured flames as he was following the red carpet.He then noticed that the floor that the carpet was on, had the same black and white checkered pattern that he had noticed in the pizzaplex.Gregory is confused as to why is this pattern here, as he continued walking, trying to figure out what is up with this strange situation, that he found himself in a way to see some strange door, blocking the rest of his pathway.

He had a good look at this door, and it appears to be one of those doors that he noticed in the mini security offices that he had seen sometime ago when he was given the tour.Gregory couldn't believe that this dude was here as he was confused as to what exactly is happening as he had a strange suspicion that this isn't a normal castle at all.He started to get lost in his thoughts as he was completely confused and overwhelmed as to what exactly is happening right now.

(" What exactly is happening? I don't think this is a normal castle. Because there's this door, including the familiar black and white checkered pattern. What exactly is going on? I need to figure out what is happening and I have to figure it out soon but how do I open this door?")

Gregory started to get frustrated as he couldn't figure out how to open this door that was blocking his pathway as he had a strange feeling that his answers are behind this door.He tried banging on it so many times, as sounds of thunder and rain came from outside as the golden flames illuminated the hallways of the castle start to crackle, even though there was no wood that was providing feel for the golden flames.Gregory still banging on the door until it opened on its own.

He looked to see a pitch black hallway, but as soon as he stepped in the golden flames lit up by themselves, providing light for the way.Gregory had no clue what was going on, but he continued walking as he noticed that there was some missing pieces of the castle wall as he love to see, and what appears to be a missing chunk of the wall, he backed up as soon as a face appeared inside.He looked at the the face, and it had some resemblance to Chica but the colour is yellow, and it has more of a classical design on the face as the eyes looked at him, but nothing happened.

Gregory the daycare assistantWhere stories live. Discover now