Chapter Six

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I wake up, rubbing an eye. A blanket bunches by my waist- wait, a blanket? I look down and a beigey-white soft blanket is covering my legs. I push it off and go to the kitchen, looking into the fridge for things to use to cook. I take out some eggs, flour, milk and from some cabinets vanilla extract, barcarbonate soda and sugar. In five minutes, i have a bowl of pancake mix and the pan ready. As i pour some of the mix into the pan, i hear someone come down the stairs. I can tell by the small amount of noise that it's Hettie. She runs up to me and hugs my leg as i rub her head. In her hands are the teddy sun brough back last night. I smile, how kind of sun it was to drive to our old house and pick up her teddy.
"Het, i have some news for you" i pick her up and rest her on my right part of my hip as i sprinkle some chocolate chips into the batter on the pan.
"What is it? What is it?" She asks excitingly. I giggle and kiss her cheek, in a brotherly way of course.
"The nice man said that we can live with him in his house!" I smile as her eyes sparkle.
"Yay! I love the nice man! Brother, can you date the nice man?" She says innocently as my face goes red.
I laugh sheepisly and flip the pancake, the blush on my face fadiing slowly. Hettie watches me make pancakes for a bit before we both hear footsetps down the stairs. They are suns, since A there are only three of us in the house and B they were much heavier then how Hettie's sounded. Sun enters the kitchen and smiles at us.
"I smelt something good, are you cooking moon?" He asks as he leans against the wall.
I nod as i pick up the pancake from the pan and place it on a plate, now pouring for the next one. Sun watches me as i make nine pancakes. When i finish them, i set Hettie down and pick up the pan and go to walk to the sink but can't due to Hettie clinging to my leg.
"Hettie, why don't you come to sun, hmm?" Sun offers, crouching down on his knees.
Hettie debates before removing herself off my leg and running to sun, arms disgonal slightly. I move to the sink and place any dish i need to wash and start to wash them.
"Thank you brother!" Thanks Hettie as she goes to grab one of the plates, using both hands. Sun grabs the other two and sets them on the table. Hettie is still in her pjs and i remember that she has school today.
"Het, you got school today!" I say, dropping my sponge. Hettie looks up from her pancakes and her eyes widen.
"I do! Umm, but my uniform is at the old house..." hettie places her fork down and sun swallows his mouthful
"I have some shirts i meant to donate, you can try them on." Sun suggests, cutting more pancake for him to eat from his plate.
Hettie thanks sun and rushes upstairs to change.
"I also brough her school stuff yesterday, so she has it in her room" sun says as he takes another bite of pancake.
I finish washing the dishes and dry my hands. "Thanks sunny, that's really sweet" i smile, sun blushing. I sit down nezt to him and start to eat my pancakes but pause when i get a text. Oh shit, i forgot about work! I stumble out my cahir and trip a bit, catching myself before i fall, and rush to the oppostie direction of the bathroom before turning around and going to it's acually location. Sun chuckles as i do this. I reach the bathroom and wash my face before unlocking the door.
"HETTIE, IMA NEED YOU TO TELL SUN WHAT SCHOOL YOU GO TO! CAUSE I GOTTA GOOOO" i yell as i rush out the door, sun ow by the door and chuckling.


I slide my work card into the clock-in machine and enter the staff room. It's empty, apart for Monty (another worker) and the manager. I walk to the counter and makes myself a cup of tea before walking to the couch and sitting on it, sipping my tea and scrolling through tiktok with an earphone in. About five minutes later, moon falls in, catching himself.
"Moon, you are ten minutes late." Molly says sternly as monty gives him a 'good luck bro' stare.
Moon smiles sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck. "S-Sorry Miss, i-i was cooking a-and-"
She raises a hand and moon stops. "No need for an excuse, i can't punish you since you aren't the only late one. But, because you were here last you have to start the counter shift." She smirks. Moon shrugs and drops his bag next to the other couch.
"Works for me" he says as he ties on his apron and starts tending to customers just entering.

The sunshine daycareTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang