Chapter Five

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I begin to chew the bolt in my mouth, it crushing surpisngly easily. I swallow it before grabbing one myself and eating it. Until now, i had never known that eating metal helps us heal quicker. As i eat, sun looks around before standing up and grabbing a dish. On it was some cloths.
"If you want one, you can have one. Just in case ya'know" he says, grinning sheepishly.
I smile and move my hand to his. He notices and grabs it, squeezing it gently.
"If you need a place to stay, my house is always free" he smiles softly, squeezing my hand a bit more. I nod as i go to stand, but i'm layed onto the couch when i start to shake. I feel dizzy so shut my eyes and slow my breathing.
"Hey, what if you and hettie moved in to live with me?" Sun asks, dabbing one of the cloths on my forehead and leaving it there.
"R-really?!" I say as i sit up waaay too fast and get very dizzy, laying back down again. Sun nods as he strokes my cheek.
"Really. That way you dont have to worry about those people. You can take your stuff from your house tomorrow and we can get you moved in."
I look away. "O-oh we don't have much, so there isnt much to get...j-just some clothes and a teddy that Hettue loves..."
Sun sits up and holds his hand out. I tilt my head, confused.
"I can go pick up the teddy if you want." He offers.
I nod and hand him my house keys before shutting my eyes and sighing. "The address is 26 Cherrywood drive" i say as i hear sun stand up and leave the house.


I shut the door behind me and enter my car before driving to moon's house, which acually was surpirsingly close to my house. When i arrive, i can clearly tell which is his. While all the other houses had outdoor decorations, moon's house has nothing outside. And not much inside either. When i open the door, a dirty welcome home mat greets me. It's letters are faded so it acually reads 'we om om '. The main livng room has a beaten up couch and a couple boxes for a table. The kitchen is a bit better, less dirty, but still is in beat-up conditions. The only decent room is Hetties room, with pink wallpaper and a princess beding. I smile softly at the thought of moon spending his money to please his sister. I grab the plush, a rabbit, and head back to my car before driving off back to my house.

When i get back, moon is asleep. He's snoring softly and is curled up into himself. I smile again and blush, laying a blanket on top of his fragile figure. He looks so peaceful and adorable, oh how i just want to kiss him!

Wait...kiss him?!

No no no, i don't like him j-just a simple small crush is all is it...


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