"As much as I would love to, I can't. The people I live with now, they won't let me leave them. It's going to be a bit of a battle for me to get them to agree to let me move out of their place," Eclipse said.

"You're old enough to make your own decisions. It's not like the people you live with now have control over you and what you do," Peter said.

Eclipse let out a nervous laugh hearing what Peter said. "You would think that they couldn't control me or what I do."

"What is that supposed to mean," Peter asked growing a bit angry at hearing that.

"What it means is that when the people I live with find out that I ran away from them instead of waiting for them by the car like I was supposed to do, I'm in big trouble. I will be punished for running away in the woods," Eclipse said.

"What, are you not allowed to go running around in the woods alone," Peter asked.

Eclipse let out a bitter laugh. "I'm not allowed to go anywhere alone. If I do, the mother of the house where I live will have a meltdown. Though she's always been a cold person as far as I can tell. She lacks any kind of love. She's cold even towards her own children. She's strict with all of us. Before you ask, she's not my mother. But that doesn't stop her from being cold towards me. She always calls me degrading names every chance she gets. Or she is always finding a way to put me down. She always gets such great joy out of it."

"Why don't you just pack your things and leave? I can tell that you are not being treated like you should be. And you don't have to worry about not having a place to stay, because you can live here with me. I know we just met, but it feels so right with you. And I don't want you away from me. I need you by my side. That and it hurts me to see that you are trying to hide the hurt that these people constantly put you through," Peter said.

"Thank you," Eclipse said before speaking up again. "Follow me. There is something I must show you." Eclipse grabbed a hold of Peter's hand, pulling him towards the small lake behind the trailer, all while trying to ignore the feeling she got from holding his hand.

Peter saw the huge house across the lake and was amazed and uneasy about it at the same time. To him it appeared to be cold and unwelcoming. "Hello neighbor."

"That isn't the kind of neighbor you want to talk to," Eclipse warned.

"Why not? Judging by the size of the house, they are clearly loaded," Peter replied.

"They are cold beings who have no problem using people to get what they want. Once the person that they are using has out lasted their use, those horrible people in that house find a way to fuck the person they are using over. I have seen it many times before. Those people are responsible for others losing their homes. Those neighbors are the kind of people you want to steer clear of," Eclipse warned.

"Peter...Peter, I need you to go to town and pick up a pizza for some-" Lynda said stepping out of the trailer, only to stop when she noticed that Peter wasn't standing outside alone. Lynda got a closer look at the girl standing next to him, and noticed that it was the girl from his dream. She also was quick to notice that Peter was standing closer as if trying to protect the girl. "Oh my goodness! You found the girl from your dreams."

"Yeah, I did. And to think she was hiding here in Hemlock Grove," Peter said while wrapping a protective arm around Eclipse's waist.

Lynda smiled at the sight in front of her. "You are welcome to stay here for dinner. I was just gonna have Peter go to town and pick up some pizza for us. Do you want to stay here and keep me company while we wait for Peter to return with the pizza?"

"Are you sure you want me to stay here? Because I can go with Peter and help him get the pizza," Eclipse offered.

"Oh honey, you sure you want to go into town with Peter? We could take this time to get to know one another better. Woman to woman. We could be open with each other; and you wouldn't have to be embarrassed to tell me anything you don't want Peter knowing about yet," Lynda said.

"If I could stay I would but I don't want to push my luck with them any further. Besides, I can walk home from town and they won't know that I have been hanging here with you," Eclipse said.

A few minutes after Eclipse ran off into the woods

Roman paid for all of the clothes that he and Eclipse were looking at. Afterwards both he and Olivia made their way out of the store over to his car, noticing that Eclipse was nowhere to be found near Roman's car.

Olivia turned to look at Roman not finding Eclipse standing there waiting for him, not amusing. "I thought you told her to stand by the car and wait for you to finish up in the shop? I don't see Eclipse anywhere. I told you that she wasn't to be trusted alone. But you put too much faith into that mutt."

Roman glared at Olivia before growling at her. "Did it ever occur to you that maybe you are the reason that Eclipse ran away?"

"Me? Why are you blaming me for this? Eclipse was the one who ran off. I didn't do anything to Eclipse to chase her away. She ran off on her own," Olivia said.

"Don't you try and act like you didn't do anything wrong to Eclipse. You yelled at her for checking out some new clothes for herself for school. Then you had the damn nerve to go as far as to call her a mutt. Maybe if you had kept your mouth shut, we wouldn't be in this mess right now," Roman snapped.

"I can tell you where that girl ran off to. I would bet money on it that she had gone running in the woods, after I told her that she wasn't allowed to. She has always wanted to go running in the woods. She has always wanted to do so without having someone there with her. I knew she would pull something like this. But you didn't want to believe me," Olivia said.

"Olivia why don't you go home and do whatever it is that you normally do? I don't want you here helping me look for Eclipse," Roman said.

"Why would I go home? I could help you look for Eclipse. I could drive around to see if I spot Eclipse wandering around town or stumbling her way out of the woods," Olivia said.

"I think you have done enough. Besides, I don't want you anywhere near Eclipse. When I do find Eclipse, and I bring her back home, I want you to apologize to her for calling her a mutt. If you had been a bit nicer towards Eclipse, then she wouldn't have run away like she had done. Now go home and fix yourself a damn drink, or multiple drinks, until you pass out. If Eclipse sees you she might run away just to avoid you," Roman said.

"Fine. But if you change your mind and you decide that you do need my help looking for her, you know how to get a hold of me," Olivia said before making her way to her car.

Roman watched as Olivia got in the car making her way back to the house. As Olivia's car pulled out of view, Roman spotted a strange car pulling into the parking lot of a local Pizzaria. Roman took a step closer, realizing that Eclipse was sitting in the passenger seat of the car that had pulled into the parking lot. No. There is no way Eclipse would go and jump into bed with someone she just met. She has too much respect for herself for that. I know she would never jump into bed with anyone, because she always keeps declining my advances. If she jumped int bed with that guy, I will see to it that she never leaves my sight ever again, Roman thought to himself as he made his way over to the car where Eclipse and the strange guy were getting out of.

"Eclipse! What in the actual fuck do you think you are doing, riding around Hemlock Grove with a man that you just met? Were you screwing him," Roman hollered at her as he approached.

Eclipse froze at hearing Roman's voice hollering at her. Slowly Eclipse turned and spotted an angry Roman standing there glaring between her and Peter.

"I was only trying to make a new friend," Eclipse said.

Peter came around the car to stand next to Eclipse, growling at Roman. "Who the hell are you to go and talk to Eclipse like that?"

Roman's Property, Peter's MateWhere stories live. Discover now