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It was a dark place. Very intimidating. The putrid smell of blood and flesh filled the air. Kirti was having trouble in breathing and she was feeling nausea because of the smell. Last time she remembered she was in her bed and now she was there in the middle of nowhere. She was scared as hell. Her heart was palpitating in a fast pace. She suddenly remembered the events that took place in the palace that day. Chitra's spell, vague images in the water, the death trees, lying dead bodies and the Man sitting among them. It came back rushing to her mind. Her Destiny. She took little steps to see any way out of that place. Some kind of light to guide her way. She was lost.

Kirti looked around a little more carefully when she saw something that made her heart dropped. She felt unimaginable fear in the pit of her stomach. She saw the same lying dead bodies scattered around everywhere. And the silhouette of the Man who was sitting amidst them. She screamed in fear and tried to run away. But she didn't know where to go. There was no way,no light, nothing. She started to cry and pray to Mother Goddess for help when she felt someone behind her. She frozed out of fear and closed her eyes. A hand hold her hips and pull her toward itself. She knew it was the man she had just seen just now. Her bare skin burnt from his touch. She didn't want to see him,she didn't want to feel his touch,she wanted to get out of there. She was being pulled until she was crashed against his hard chest. She felt her body shivered. She could feel every contour of his body against her. It disgusted her. She refused to open her eyes in fear of what she may witnesses. But the man didn't do anything and it slowly made her open her eyes to see. It was too dark to see his face but somehow she was able to see his dark abyss like eyes. They were looking at her intently like they will consume her everything and left her with nothing. Kirti gulped the fear rising from her heart to her throat. She struggled hard to move away but in vain.

"Please leave me" she cried out of fear. By this time she was crying hysterically in his arms. She couldn't see anything or feel anything. She could only feel her excruciating fear and inhibition. The heaviness in her heart.

Suddenly, she woke up from her dream. She looked around and saw that she was in her room. She had been crying in her sleep. Kirti heaved a sigh of relief. It was just a dream. But it felt very real. She wished that it never became a reality. She wondered it might have been those images in the water that had played with her mind. And hence she had the dream. She couldn't go back to sleep.
Kirti looked towards the window. It was almost dawn. She had to wake up anyway for the Puja( worship) so she decided to wake Mitra up and tell her everything about the dream.

She left for Mitra's room and knocked at her door. There was no response. She tried again but the door didn't open. So,she decided to get in. She pushed the door a little hard when the door opened surprising her a bit. "Hadn't Mitra closed the door last night?" She thought.

When she went inside and looked for Sanghamitra,there was no sign of her. She became concern. Kirti rushed out of the room to look for her best friend. She knocked at the door to Urvashi's room.

Urvashi was little startled to see Kirti at that time in the morning.

"What's wrong Kirti? You look tensed" Urvashi asked.

"Urvi Didi, is Mitra with you?" Asked Kirti.

"No, what happened? Isn't she supposed to be in her room?"

"She is not there Didi, i had been searching for her and couldn't find her"

"Did you tell anyone?" Urvashi asked

Kirti shooked her head in no.

Urvashi hold her hand and said," I am going to search for her one more time. Tell Malati to inform Sulekha Ma. If she was in any kind of danger,she might need help."

DEVMITRA - the thread of fateUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum