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In the practice field a little away from the palace cries of swords can be heard. Prince Ranj has been practicing as always. His daily routine that he can't avoid. His body covered in sweat and mud. Eyes sharp like a hawk, determination swirling in them. And his fast movement. For a moment it looks like someone is dancing and entertaining the people. The spectators around the practice field are awed by his grace.He has finally mastered the technique of wielding a sword laced with fire. A technique that his Guru Dhiraj had been teaching for a long time now. He had to channel the fire from within to manifest the Agnibahak,the fire laced sword.

"Gurudev, now that i have succeeded in your technique ,do i passed your test?" Asked prince Ranj.

"Son, this whole life is a test. Mere wielding a fire laced sword won't prove your success. Although i am happy that you are able to achieve something difficult but its not the end. The day i feel like you had done your job in the best way i will consider you as a winner and pat your back" Guru Dhiraj replied.

Ranj smiled but the fire in his eyes had not doused yet. He will be happy to see the day when his Guru will pat his back.He enthusiastically replied.

"I shall wait for the day Gurudev. You will be proud of me that day"

Guru Dhiraj is already proud of his student but he knows that it's only the beginning of his life. He had to rule the Antespura one day. So, there shouldn't be any hindrance and even a bit of pride. Because it can lead to fall. Pride always snatch away the eagerness of learning in a soul. So, its better be avoided.

Just then male servant came and and informed them that prince Ranj had been summoned by his father. Ranj bid his Guru a brief farewell and headed to the palace.

"Are sure Maharaj,that he will agree to it. I know they have been betrothed when they were little children because of an Akhanda Vachan even before their birth. But its too soon." Maharani Jayanti express her concern to her husband.

"I know my son dear. He will never disappoint me. He will agree to it instantly" King Vibhuvashan assured the concern queen.

"Pitashree( father) i heard that you have something important to discuss with me. Sorry for being late. I was with Gurudev practicing. What do you have to discuss?"  Ranj asked while approaching his parents.

"Son, you know i am always proud of you for the person that you are growing as. But now its time to take more responsibilities on your shoulders." King said while gesturing his son to take a sit.

"I know Pitashree, I have been preparing to  be the ideal king since i started to know about this world. I am ready all the time. What concern you to bring that up so abruptly." Prince Ranj was little confused with his father's sudden reminder of his responsibilities. Now that he observed his father is looking tense. Something has been bothering him. He wonder what could it be.

"Son, according to Guru Srihasti. Something is not right with the Kashavargas. He smelt some kind of conspiracy that has been brewing. And we don't even know who are involved in this. There has been an energy shift around the borders. And many people are facing various difficulties. They are not able to use their powers as they usually do. This concerns me that something dangerous is blooming but is out of our sight." The king informed his son.

"Do you want me to investigate the matter Pitashree? I can go there and look around a little. I am sure I will be able to know the truth with little extra effort" Ranj said. He knows it will be difficult but he can do it.

"No son, i have prepared men to look after the concerned matter. But i have called you here to inform you that i had decided to held your marriage ceremony sooner than later. I know its sudden but now with the growing concern for the unknown i need to ensure that your marriage held with peace, without any problems. I have already send message to King Bibhuti to be here with his family. Soon you will get to meet your would be bride Princess Devkirti." King said.

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