Ch.7 The Perils of Paper Houses

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3rd Pov

As everyone was asleep Team LADR and Owen was in a dream a linked dream but they couldn't see each other they were standing on in a grass plane that was in the clouds.

Josh: "Uh hello anybody there?"

Cyra: "Where am I?"

Raiden: "What is this place?"

Owen: "This is strange..."

As they were questioning where they were they saw a figure standing in front of them of someone they dearly miss Brisa Lycandra.

Brisa: "Of course, it's the only way I can talk to you guys, but time is running short. So this is my last farewell.

Raiden: "What!? But what if I can't stop the bad thoughts when you're completely gone?"

Bris: "It's time for me to go."

Owen: "I-I... I don't want to say goodbye.

Cyra: "If only we could keep you with us forever."

Brisa simply smiles as she looks at her group.

Raiden: "I feel so hollow and guilty about it."

Owen: "Come on, sis, give me something to do, I promise I'll get it done."

Josh: "Did you know I turned an old watch into a belt? then realised it was a waist of time.

Brisa: "What was that joke about, Josh? To make such a dumb joke is so like you."

Raiden: "I don't know what to do; I'm losing all hope, and it just seems like everything might be a waste of time."

Brisa: "Rai, you just sound like you're complaining now."

Brisa turned around and started walking away and moving on from the world.

Owen: "Please hold on, don't leave. Please just stay here with us.

Raiden: "You always say I've gotten better, why don't I feel that at all,"

Brisa halted her motion but she never turned to face them.

Josh: "These worlds operate in odd ways,"

Cyra: "But I don't think this is helping our team."

All: "Brisa..."

Brisa: "I should move on, but for some reason, I can't, Before I depart, I would like to see everyone leave this place. I'll consequently stay a little while longer.

All four rejoiced because their actions prevented Brisa from passing just yet as she just sweat dropped.

Brisa: "A few things to say to all of you separately so you won't hear what I'll say to anyone else."

With Cyra

Brisa: "Cyra, you don't need to act tough as if nothing happened. Additionally, since I have run away numerous times, I could never be unhappy if you did the same."

Cyra: "Thank you Bri."

With Josh

Brisa: "Josh, please never stop being who you are, okay? Your humour and benefits make you who you are. You are and always will be my closest pal."

Josh: "Of course, many thanks, cap..."

With Raiden

Brisa: "Raiden, I know you feel guilty, but I assure you that it's not your fault. Since I had no other choice except to defend her, that was the only thing I could do."

The Wolf, The Lion, and The Dragon - (Vol.9)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora