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Watching herself on TV was exhausting, almost as tiring as the journey back to school, where everyone seemed to recognise her from the festival. She wouldn't have minded the fame if it didn't make her feel like a fake. Heroes were supposed to be true and only care about saving lives, but she hated to admit that she was now us using her newly gained fame to her own advantage. The neighbours baked her cookies, she got a coffee on the house and everyone seemed to be congratulating her for her hard work.

Regardless, she managed to ignore the mutters through the corridors and went for her usual stroll around campus before lessons began. As usual, she wasn't paying attention to her direction, but this time, everyone got the hint and avoided her on her course - meaning there weren't any run-ins or potential arguments.

Yet, despite her relatively peaceful morning, Mizuki was exhausted. The speck of blood she received in the festival had long passed, leaving her hungry and tired. She hated consuming blood, regardless of the circumstances, because no matter what, she'd always feel a wave of heightened starvation afterwards. She normally felt drawn to blood, but after recently consuming some, it was difficult to revert back to her norm.

"Akaguro!" Kirishima stood from Bakugo's desk when she entered the room, greeting her with a toothy grin. "Man, I thought you were going to text me, I was gonna asking if you wanted to train again." He informed her, lightly scolding the girl.

"I was rewatching the festival. By the way, take a look at this." The vampire whipped out her phone, quickly scrolling to find the photo she'd taken of Kirishima and Sero's terrified expressions when both she and Bakugo jumped from their formation. "It's hilarious, I'm pretty sure this is the moment your heart just stops." She laughed and approached Sero to show him his equally distraught moment.

"You're telling me this was on live TV!?" Sero panicked. "The chicks saw me looking like this?"

"I took photo's of everyone, look." She flicked through the phone, showing the embarrassing pictures of her classmates. It had taken her a while to find the perfect ones for everyone, but eventually she had her collection gathered. "I couldn't find one of Todoroki, but I guess he's just photogenic." She shrugged. "Ochako! Look how cool you looked fighting Bakugo." She found the photo, showing it to the brunette.

"I look a mess, look at my hair." Uraraka shook her head, in her eyes, that wasn't the best photo of her.

"Shit, Aizawa's coming." The vampire quickly informed as she placed her phone in her phone in her pocket and raced to her desk, a few other students following her example and equally preparing for their teacher.

On cue, the eraser hero entered the classroom, shocked to see his students in their seats instead of conversing about the festival - which they were doing until Mizuki gave them their heads-up. "Good morning." He introduced, looking more alive than he had the previous week. Noticing the difference instantly, Mizuki took note of his lack of bandages and yellow sleeping bag, it was guaranteed that his enthusiasm would dissipate by the next day.

"Good morning Mr Aizawa." Everyone replied, some taking note of his wellbeing and asking genuine questions about his health. However, the hero simply brushed the questions off and carried on with his lesson. "We have a big class today, on hero informatics." Mizuki felt everyone's heart skip a beat, she suspected there might be a test involved, it was a good thing she was usually in the smarter side of her class in middle school. "You need code names, time to pick your hero identities."

The class erupted into cheers, everyone who had an idea of their name at least. However, for the vampire, it was difficult. She had so many names to chose from, so many that had been shut down by her sister and made fun of. If only she had any suggestions.

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