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After practically inhaling her food and sitting with Kirishima for lunch, Mizuki had mentally prepared herself for the battles, though, she was still a little let down that Shiozaki wouldn't be her opponent

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After practically inhaling her food and sitting with Kirishima for lunch, Mizuki had mentally prepared herself for the battles, though, she was still a little let down that Shiozaki wouldn't be her opponent. However, she just shrugged it off and thought about other potential battles.

"Akaguro." Yaoyorozu approached her, strange considering they hadn't spoken much since their teamwork during heroics training, but Mizuki wasn't complaining.

"Yaoyorozu?" She questioned in return. "What can I do for ya?"

"I've been informed that the girls are expected to represent their classes through cheer." She revealed. "Everyone else is onboard, will you be joining us?"

The vampire was taken back by the offer, and even more confused by the fact that it was only the girls cheering for their classes. It seemed a little strange. But then again, it was even more strange that a brick of cement was monitoring their matches, so she tried not to seem too fazed.

"Everyone else is doing it?"

"Yes." Momo confirmed. "I've already made us all the costumes with my quirk, Mina is working on a routine as we speak."

"Well... I guess if everyone else is, I'll join too." Mizuki reluctantly agreed, but she still had her doubts. "But, doesn't it seem a little sexist to you? That only the girls have to put on miniskirts and dance?"

"It is a little abnormal, but U.A. is a school that strives with its abnormalities. I have faith in our school." The creation hero clenched her fist. "Besides, I've already made your costume. Follow me."

Despite her nerves, Mizuki placed the orange uniform over her shoulders and stepped into the skirt, soon putting a new layer of sunscreen on and her glasses so she could see better. The day had gotten a lot warmer after lunch and she didn't want to waste her energy healing sunburn when she could be fighting.

"Get those hands in the air, it's almost time for the last round!" Mic announced.

"That's our queue. Ribit." Tsu alerted.

"But before that, good news for everyone who didn't make the finals, since this is a sports festival, we've prepared some super fun side games everyone can participate in. We even brought in cheerleaders from America to get your bloods pumping."

As the girls exited the tunnel, they were met with a harsh dose of betrayal. Mizuki knew something was fishy about the cheer, but went along with it for the sake of the others, but still, she was by far the most embarrassed of them. Her sister was going to give her a mouthful when she got home.

"Hold up, looks like class 1A are going full on fan service!" Mic yelled and all attention floated towards the girls.

"Yaoyorozu." Mizuki said lowly, a deathly aura surrounding her and her eyes glowing red with vengeance. "Who gave you this information?"

Blood-Letting - mha Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora