❝ summer so far ❞

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• done with 2nd year of college
• procrastinating on getting a summer job
• started working out
• went to 2 cons this summer
• doing art fight this year

i may or may not keep forgetting this journal exists (i do, whoops). i do have 2 unpublished chapters from the past few months, but i started them and never got around to finishing them.

since i last posted in april, i've finished my 2nd year of college. i've been trying to enjoy my summer break even though it's time i get my 1st official job. i've had to sit down and talk about it with my stepdad a couple times. came to realize i've been subconsciously sabotaging myself at getting a summer job because i'm afraid of getting one. slowly still making the effort to get one before summer break's over, even if it means i'd only be working ~2 months.

recently haven't been up to too much. mostly spending my break watching TV and playing video games. it's honestly tiring barely doing anything all day, but i'm doing it to stall (further contributing to my lack of a job).

however!! i've finally gotten into something productive. before this, i loathed exercise. i realized my problems with it are:
1) it's hard doing it alone
2) i'd be too embarrassed to do it at a gym
3) i hate cardio

by doing it with casey, we're both getting something out of it (the motivation to even do it lol). i've made noticeable progress. i actually posted a pic of myself on my insta story today, and one of my friends pointed out how big my arm's are looking rn. ik working out is a long process before making big noticeable improvements, but he's the 3rd person to point it out. it's reassuring for me that my work is paying off, but it's also nice hearing people compliment them :)

 it's reassuring for me that my work is paying off, but it's also nice hearing people compliment them :)

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[the aforementioned picture]

besides that, i've been to 2 cons this year. the last con i went to before 2023 was, like, 6 years ago when i went to blizzcon. it's one of my most cherished memories with my parents—huge nerds, both of them (affectionate).

anyway, the 1st one i went to this year was loucon. my mom randomly sent me a link to it, and i said i wanted to go and mentioned wanting to go with her and my stepdad. my brother, myles, and casey tagged along. it was more of a spur-of-the-moment outing, but it was fun. we spent maybe couple hours there just looking at the vendor stuff. it's a little embarrassing, but i instinctually loudly gasped when i saw FNAF plushes :') it's one of my special interests. maybe i'll talk more about it another time.

the venue was on the smaller side and mostly had space for the vendors, but it hosted a cosplay competition that i watched. lots of cool cosplays! there were some repeats here and there, but you can tell there was a lot of love and time put into making them. the younger cosplayers had some impressive cosplays too, and i'm sure they'll perfect the hobby someday if they're already good at their age.

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