My Regular Routine

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I woke up at seven fifteen this morning, forty five minutes late. I hurried to my bathroom, got dressed, packed my bag, grabbed my lunch and barely ate my breakfast. Oh! What a rush.

I whined a "goodbye" to my parents and got outside to board the bus. I reach the bus stop and I find Bri perfectly and not to mention neatly dressed. I don't know how she has eminently used her time for all this!
She's a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to school.

The bus arrives. We reach the school around seven and three quarters.

The sun shines dully over the sky. The dark clouds look as if they're about to explode. The rain drops started following one by one.

I enter the classroom. Surprisingly, i find the benches empty. The curtains had been drawn. The lights starts to flicker. The piano outside our class starts playing the note called "The Death March".
Panic flooded through me. I started shivering helplessly.
And then,  BAM! Masked faces appear out of nowhere.
I give an ear-splitting scream.

They took their masks off. It took a minute or so for me to realise they were my classmates. More like enemies. I was so out of breath while they started teasing me.

Our class teacher arrives. She enquires what happened. And surely, it wouldn't take much time for her to perceive what had actually happened.
I suddenly felt like something got stuck in my throat. Like it was blocking my airways and preventing me from breathing. I started struggling to breathe. I felt like I ran a marathon. I try to draw breath, but every once I do, I feel like it's running away from me. I also received a sharp pain on my chest but it's nothing compared to my difficulty in breathing. My eyesight starts to blur. I noticed some shapes as my vision grows even fuzzier. I heard my name being called, faintly. And that's the last thing I knew before I blacked out.

The next moment, I was laying on my bed. The warm and cozy blankets of mine made me feel more comfortable than ever. I steadily open my eyes. I see my mom sitting next to my bed, looking very pale. She gets startled when she sees me awake. I try to get up but she pushes me back into my comforter.

"How do you feel dear?" She asks, concerned.
"Brilliant" I murmur. "I'm sorry ma for bothering you during your working hours. I just- I didn't mean to, you know. I- I just felt-
"I know" said she, placing her hands on my shoulders. "And, you weren't bothering me at all. I know you didn't mean to and it's completely not your fault".
I felt tears sting my eyes. She hugs me securely. I hug her back. The bedroom door opened with a great creak which drifted each other apart. My dad enters my room, followed by Brianne.

"Hey bud, how you doin'?"asks my dad, fist bumping me.
"Preeety good now" I says, trying to sound cheerful.
"Um.. Uh.. Here, I brought you some medicines and uh.. some of your favourite snacks. And, don't worry about what happened earlier, alright? It was just a panic attack. A severe one." said dad.
"Yea, I get it." I said.

You might be wondering why my parents act as if I am very sick during a panic attack. It's because I suffer from some other disorders too. I suffer hard. All these sickness just makes me register that life would never give you what you actually want. It treats you differently.

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