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Joshua pov:

I ran away from terrace and went as far as i can "Only if i wouldn't have taken this long! I lost my only chance with him" idk why but my heart was hurting way too much.

"It's ok I'll move on from him , i need to since now i know he is never going to reciprocate my feelings" i tried to calm myself down .

I washed my face and went back to cafeteria toward my friends table.

"Oh shua hyung you are back , you took way too long now there is only 10 min left for lunch now hurry up and eat this" jun said while offering his lunch to shua.

Soon jeonghan and s.coups also joined " Hey guys meet him my childhood friend and now my bf s.coups" jeonghan said introducing s.coups.

"Omg hyung congratulations when did all this happened you need to tell me whole story" hoshi said excited.

"Yeah yeah I'll tell you whole story but later now eat your lunch" jeonghan replied smiling.

And now they were being lovey dovey right in front of me. I tried my best not to show it on my face but it was getting way too much.

So i suddenly got up from the table grabbing everyone's attention " what happened shua hyung?"

"I'm not feeling good I'm going home" before anyone can ask more i went away from there.

I was about to go inside my car when i heard jun calling for me" Hyung wait for me I'm also coming".

"Why did you came i can go by myself" i told him.

"No you can't now let me drive instead" he said while sitting on the driver's seat. So i seated on the passenger seats instead.

"What happened why are you not starting the car?" I asked.

"First tell me what happened?" Jun asked.

"Wdym?" I asked confused.

" You can fool others but not me" Jun said frowning.

I sighed "Fine i will tell you once we reach my home".

Jun pov:

"Ok hyung now tell me what's wrong? You can tell me anything you know that right? I'm always here for you"

This was all it took for joshua when the tears starts falling like a waterfall jun hugged him into a tight embrace.

Shua started blabbering things like how he lost his only chance with his crsuh "He already have a boyfriend now jun and it hurt so bad!"

"Calm down hyung we can't do anything about this we can't make him to like you when he like someone else, you will also find someone who will like you so, you should move on from him"

"You are right" joshua said wipping his tears. " I'll try to move on this will be better"

"Ok now hyung if you don't mind can i know his name ?"

"It was actually jeonghan"

"Knew it damn! Ok hyung now forget this cheer up let's play some games ok?"


They were playing games till 10 p.m. and now they were hungry so they ordered some pizza after having dinner it was getting late so jun decided to sleep at joshua's house instead.

To be continued....
This chapter was a lil sad but next one is gonna be so good i promise so plz wait for it... 💕

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